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Unfortunately, I read the thread title in Jeff Foxworthy's voice and now I can't stop hearing it.


You may be too smart to be in law enforcement if...


 - you can count past "threeve."


 - it only took you two times to get through seventh grade.


 - you only have minimal problems solving the puzzles in "Highlights" magazine.


I have a friend who was told the same thing when he applied for TSA.


My wife worked for a nursing agency who performed physical assessments on the first batch of prospective TSA agents. Not the brightest bulbs in the crate, according to her. Many couldn't understand the simplest of instructions. No idea whether those folks got hired. They did hire the African gentleman who was working at the Denver airport when I came back from Mexico, the one who couldn't identify a boarding pass.


Years ago, when General Motors opened up an assembly plant in a suburb of Oklahoma City, I applied because I was in a dead-end and very low paying state job. They were very interested - until they found out that I had a college degree. I suppose that they couldn't have any thinking on the assembly line. In retrospect they may have done me a favor. After I got my nursing degree I worked on a mental health unit, and we used to get a lot of employees from the GM plant. Really screwed up people, mostly stress disorders.

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