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Nolan Arenado feels disrespected


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This has a chance to get very ugly. It's becoming increasingly clear Nolan Arenado wants out of Colorado. Which could take away the leverage the Rockies might have had in trade talks before Arenado went public. This is beginning to resemble the Giancarlo Stanton mess in Miami.
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Patrick Saunders
· Jan 20
BREAKING: Nolan Arenado feels "disrespected" as Rockies GM Jeff Bridich nixes trade talks https://dpo.st/2GleBBX via @denverpost
7:33 PM · Jan 20, 2020·TweetDeck
The latest I'm hearing is that this stems from an argument between Brdich (the worst GM currently employed by a baseball franchise) and Arenado at the end of last season. Arenado said that the Rockies' situation "feels like rebuilding" and Brdich reportedly got in his face about that comment. I still think odds are better than 50/50 that Arenado is wearing a different uniform this season, despite Brdich's statement that Arenado will be a Rockie this year.
Grab your popcorn, because this will be an interesting story to follow. I just hope he doesn't get traded to the Rangers. Or the Yankees.
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man, some of you guys are just itching to turn on a player. arenado has always been a stand up player. the rockies don't have quite that reputation. the same gm alienated their last great player, troy tulo. i side on giving arenado the benefit of the doubt on this one, if i'm choosing the side of the least likely asshole.

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I get why he feels disrespected.  I’m sure they told him they were committed to being competitive after he signed with them considering they had just made the playoffs.  Not even a year later, coming off a terrible season, they do nothing to improve the roster and are reportedly putting him on the market despite giving him a NTC.  I can see why that bothers him.

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10 minutes ago, mymerlincat said:

I get why he feels disrespected.  I’m sure they told him they were committed to being competitive after he signed with them considering they had just made the playoffs.  Not even a year later, coming off a terrible season, they do nothing to improve the roster and are reportedly putting him on the market despite giving him a NTC.  I can see why that bothers him.

This is my position on this as well. One can argue whether Arenado should be so public about his displeasure. The Rockies, however, were public about shopping him practically before the ink even dried on his contract. He could have hit FA and been just as highly coveted as Rendon, getting to choose where he wanted to play. COL sold him on their org, then turned around and shopped him. It’s not about the money. He’d get that from any interested team. He committed to them. They did not reciprocate. I can see why he’s mad.

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35 minutes ago, Lou said:

When has the front office stated that they are shopping him or that he's on the trading block? 

The Rockies admitted as much earlier this week. Your mileage may vary, but this plus the fact they never denied MLB.com’s reporting on the issue back in December says he’s been on the block for over a month and everyone knew it. That seems like a huge betrayal of trust. That’s just how I see it anyway.



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51 minutes ago, Lou said:

Well, that's the major problem here. He did go public. That's why some people think he's being a dickwad. 

I completely understand this point of view as well. The public nature of these things in the age of social media is pretty distasteful. It’s one of the things that has kind of turned me off to the NBA, basically players constructing the rosters now however and whenever they see fit. Loyalty goes both ways. I think that’s why Arenado is upset. I can understand that.

i also meant to add that the Denver Post has some really good coverage of what went wrong between the two sides, if you’re interested.

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