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Angels new quality assurance guy Tim Buss charged with being awesome...

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18 minutes ago, John Taylor said:

Angels (something something) charged with (something) headlines are going to freak me out for a little while. With that being said, I love this guy's moxie and 18 years as a beloved Cubs employee is a good get for the Angels.

Yeah I figured that would get some attention. But this dude is an attention grabber himself, so it was fitting.

1 minute ago, Lou said:


It's entirely possible, even likely to have fun without abusing drugs. Tyler messed up. But he was the exception, not the rule. I doubt Buss coming in and mixing it up with the players in a fun manner is going to be harmful at all.

4 minutes ago, Second Base said:

It's entirely possible, even likely to have fun without abusing drugs. Tyler messed up. But he was the exception, not the rule. I doubt Buss coming in and mixing it up with the players in a fun manner is going to be harmful at all.

If I had to guess I’d say 10-15% of the league abuses drugs.  

7 minutes ago, Stradling said:

If I had to guess I’d say 10-15% of the league abuses drugs.  

According to drugabuse.gov it’s believed that 24.6% of population has used an illicit drug at any time in the last month.  

so with rich young baseball players, I suspect that you’re guessing a bit low.  Unfortunately. 

3 hours ago, Lou said:

of course, but it's not the message that we need to be sending out at the moment. 

And because Skaggs OD'd it's not ok to be photographed smiling and joking around ever again?

Come on. 

F the whiners that are going to get offended by a group of professional athletes enjoying their job. 

I could give two craps about, "the message". That's about it.

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