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Took the Yankees long enough to move Torres up in the lineup.  I see Stanton is in there too.

Hopefully, it won't matter.

Go Astros!


The audio mix on this broadcast is absolutely horrible. There is no reason to be mixing in so much stadium noise, as if they are building excitement. They are not, they are just making the announcers hard to hear.

1 hour ago, Blarg said:

The audio mix on this broadcast is absolutely horrible. There is no reason to be mixing in so much stadium noise, as if they are building excitement. They are not, they are just making the announcers hard to hear.

so true. I watched the 1st inning and couldn't take it anymore.


That was not fan excitement, it was FOX trying to pump up the stadium noise to make it seem like the fans were really in to the game the whole way. It was just aural clutter that overrode the announcers. Just plain bad mixing. 

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