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What is it that Eppler/Ausmus see in Garcia?

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Ok, let's put this perspective. Think of the Angels rotation and bullpen as a bunch of Vikings that set sail to plunder. Along the way the wars took out some of them, disease took out some of them, the storms at sea took out some of them. 

Garcia can still row. 

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7 minutes ago, Blarg said:

Ok, let's put this perspective. Think of the Angels rotation and bullpen as a bunch of Vikings that set sail to plunder. Along the way the wars took out some of them, disease took out some of them, the storms at sea took out some of them. 

Garcia can still row. 

He just can’t get to ramming speed. 

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12 hours ago, Blarg said:

Ok, let's put this perspective. Think of the Angels rotation and bullpen as a bunch of Vikings that set sail to plunder. Along the way the wars took out some of them, disease took out some of them, the storms at sea took out some of them. 

Garcia can still row. 

This post deserves to be in the AW Hall of Fame.

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14 hours ago, Blarg said:

Ok, let's put this perspective. Think of the Angels rotation and bullpen as a bunch of Vikings that set sail to plunder. Along the way the wars took out some of them, disease took out some of them, the storms at sea took out some of them. 

Garcia can still row. 

he's just rowing in the wrong direction.  

he's better than Cahill who I'm pretty sure has scurvy in your analogy.   

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15 hours ago, Blarg said:

Ok, let's put this perspective. Think of the Angels rotation and bullpen as a bunch of Vikings that set sail to plunder. Along the way the wars took out some of them, disease took out some of them, the storms at sea took out some of them. 

Garcia can still row. 



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17 hours ago, Blarg said:

Ok, let's put this perspective. Think of the Angels rotation and bullpen as a bunch of Vikings that set sail to plunder. Along the way the wars took out some of them, disease took out some of them, the storms at sea took out some of them. 

Garcia can still row. 

NO! Wrong! The Angels pitching staff are a bunch of Vikings that set sail and arrived at the village they were to plunder and realized they forgot their axes.

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3 hours ago, IIIII said:

He sees a better version of Jose Alvarez who is totally having a worse year in Philly. Not missed at all.

Looks like a pretty typical Alvarez year to me...he’s average, which is better than Garcia, who is terrible...I’d rather have Alvarez...


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