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Friends, it’s over. Bryce Harper has blessed the Phillies


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Hopefully Philly decides to keep going for it, and they sign Keuchel or (and?) Kimbrel and really clog up their payroll. 

I don’t think this takes them out of the running for Trout at all - might even make them more appealing to him - but it certainly doesn’t help their ability to pay Trout.

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You know why this is so incredibly stupid and pointless?  Because Philadelphia was where everyone expected him to go back in October.  Basically Harper and his super-douche agent bought 4 months of "look at me, look at me" time while accepting the same amount of money from the same place he would have gotten back in November/December.  

I actually have less respect for Bryce Harper now than I did before, and I didn't think much of him before. 

He's a jerk-face. 

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We don’t know that they offered him 330 and 13 back in November though do we ? 

I think they strung this out way to long, but being in FA it makes sense to see who all the suitors are and what they’re willing to go to.  Again, I doubt all this was necessary, but it makes sense that it took more then a few weeks. 

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Ten years/$375 million for Trout sounds right.    About $12 million/season more than Harper, $5 million/season more than Arenado, and $7.5 million/season more than Machado

Age 38/39 season for Trout should be much more productive than Pujols' age 38 season (actually age 40 season?).   Trout hasn't had a crouched stance for many years tearing up his knees and feet.    He will slow down in his mid/late 30s, but certainly should hit at least as well as Big Poopy did in his mid/late 30s.

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5 minutes ago, Dochalo said:

not sure it has.   that AAV for Harper actually lowered the bar a bit imo.  

If the Halos were going to pay Trout 400m, maybe they can spread it out over 12-13 years instead of 10.  

That is why I put 13/390.  That is a 30 million AAV over the 13 years.  If they go to 400, it would be 30.7 AAV.



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9 minutes ago, Second Base said:

You know why this is so incredibly stupid and pointless?  Because Philadelphia was where everyone expected him to go back in October.  Basically Harper and his super-douche agent bought 4 months of "look at me, look at me" time while accepting the same amount of money from the same place he would have gotten back in November/December.  

I actually have less respect for Bryce Harper now than I did before, and I didn't think much of him before. 

He's a jerk-face. 

Was it offered back in october?

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