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That is scary and very reminiscent of the one in the early 2000 that hit them and Thailand very hard.

I was there 4 months after and saw a video very similar to this one.  Heart wrenching.


Why did everything already look flooded before the wave hit? Were there multiple waves?

Also the person shooting the first video should take some film classes or something... you don't look away the moment the damn wave hits! Im sitting here for minutes in anticipation watching that thing inch closer, then the moment its about to hit they drop their phone and run away... then they change their mind and start shooting again. 

1 hour ago, ten ocho recon scout said:

Had some friends there a few months back for the last big quake, then the other big one near fiji a few weeks back. That area is super active right now for sure.

can you please do me a favor and send me your friends' travel plans in the future? 

thank you 

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