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So Cal earthquake


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10 hours ago, wopphil said:

What would happen if, say, a 7.5 hit on the San Andreas near Coachella? The 1992 Landers quake out in that area was huge (7.3) and it did little/no damage to O.C.  Would the L.A. area really be in that much jeopardy from a large quake 100+ miles away?

In relation to Mexico City, no.  From what I have been hearing, Mexico City is built on a dry lake bed.  So whatever earthquake happens, it's magnified x100. In LA, we are on bedrock, so whatever earthquake happens is magnified x5. 

On a side note.  I think San Francisco is prone to huge earthquakes, because parts of San Francisco is man made/old dump sites.  If I remember correctly, the great earthquake/fire that they had a long time ago that destroyed the city practically.  In order to rebuild, they just threw all the trash to the side, and rebuilt on top of it.

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11 hours ago, LHalo said:

The Landers quake woke me out of bed and put cracks in some of our drywall in Orange. Also don't forget the San Andreas cuts close to populated areas over by the Lancaster/Palmdale area. Lois Lane was buried in her Pontiac out there back in the 70's due to liquefaction. 

There was a real life person named Lois Lane?

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14 hours ago, wopphil said:

What would happen if, say, a 7.5 hit on the San Andreas near Coachella? The 1992 Landers quake out in that area was huge (7.3) and it did little/no damage to O.C.  Would the L.A. area really be in that much jeopardy from a large quake 100+ miles away?

One of the bigger concerns would be the roadways / overpasses. If the Freeways get shut down it would be a major impact.

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18 hours ago, wopphil said:

What would happen if, say, a 7.5 hit on the San Andreas near Coachella? The 1992 Landers quake out in that area was huge (7.3) and it did little/no damage to O.C.  Would the L.A. area really be in that much jeopardy from a large quake 100+ miles away?



the Landers quake wasn't on the San Andreas Fault.


here's a description and some cool videos of a 7.8-8.0 hitting along the san andreas fault.  LA basin would get pretty fucked for a couple reasons, (1) a large earthquake on the san andreas fault would likely travel up or down the fault and rupture for 100's of miles, so the shaking won't only originate from the epicenter, and (2) LA is a sedimentary basin and hemmed in by mountains of rock, so the waves will be amplified and reverberate around for a long time.  the biggest worry will be all roads out cross the san andreas fault and will be destroyed, LA's water crosses the fault, and lots of fires will be started that will be difficult to control if the roads are all fucked.  


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6 hours ago, ten ocho recon scout said:

My understanding is the newport inglewood fault is the one thats going to kill us all.

We are so, so overdue. Earthquakes used to be pretty common when i was a kid...the last 2 i can remember were the one about 4 years ago or so that was only like a 5, and the day we traded for texeira.

Yeah, 1990 through 1994 was a horrible time period for earthquakes in SoCal. It has been very, very calm since then.

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On 9/21/2017 at 3:58 AM, wopphil said:

Yeah, 1990 through 1994 was a horrible time period for earthquakes in SoCal. It has been very, very calm since then.

Off the top of my head, whittier in 87, a few more i cant remember the names of (that were fairly large), the twin big bear quakes in 91 or so (maybe 92), then northridge in 94...quiet since...not good

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