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The Twilight Zone

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There was a small part of me that hoped his demeanor would change if he won.  That much of the exaggeration, lying and saber rattling would go away.

That small part of me has lost hope.

I haven't watched most of the interview, but I watched a couple of snippets.  He has a way of invoking unverifiable proofs for his claims.  He still loves to name drop and really has no trouble lying over the most trivial of things.  He is taking a step, a huge step up, from his predecessors in that regard.

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18 minutes ago, mtangelsfan said:

There was a small part of me that hoped his demeanor would change if he won.  That much of the exaggeration, lying and saber rattling would go away.

That small part of me has lost hope.

I haven't watched most of the interview, but I watched a couple of snippets.  He has a way of invoking unverifiable proofs for his claims.  He still loves to name drop and really has no trouble lying over the most trivial of things.  He is taking a step, a huge step up, from his predecessors in that regard.

He is exactly who he has portrayed himself from the moment he rode down that friggen escalator. He ran as a right wing nationalist straight out of a infowars comment section...at some point people are going to realize that is who he is.

I saw a headline that I think is apt

People were taking Trump seriously, now they are taking him literally

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3 hours ago, red321 said:

I watched the interview on ABC last night and I must say that Trump is in some bizarre alternate reality.

One of the more telling aspects of the interview was when Trump was asked if he had any proof to substantiate his claims of wide spread voter fraud. Trump answered by citing the Pew study. When Trump was told that the author of the study recently said there was no evidence of fraud Trump attacked him.

Jesse Richman the author of the Pew study says the following:


The problem, says Richman, who identifies as a political moderate, is that the Trump administration’s interpretation of his report is totally off. “Trump and others have been misreading our research and exaggerating our results to make claims we don’t think our research supports,” Richman says. “I’m not sure why they continue to do it, but there’s not much I can do about that aside from set the record straight.”



I think what is even more telling is Trump seems to think that the only voter fraud that exist is one in which favors Democrats. Apparently there isn't any Republican voter fraud in Trumps world.

One thing that is really funny is if you listen to right-wing radio it's a given that there is massive voter fraud going on. I was listening to right-wing radio host Mike Gallagher the other day and he was just going on and on about voter fraud. He said something to the effect that "it's impossible to believe that there isn't any voter fraud"! Well, no one is trying to claim that there isn't ANY voter fraud. There isn't any proof of WIDE SPREAD voter fraud. Of course there is some. In fact some woman (I think in Florida) was busted recently for voting for Trump more than once! Geez, how did that happen. lol

Trump is a conspiracy theorist who believed that Obama wasn't an American, he believes that 3 to 5 million illegals voted for Clinton and it was that margin that cost him the popular vote! Most of this baloney (like the Clintons murdering Vince Foster) has it's origins in right-wing radio where we all know the real truth resides.

This leaves one to wonder how the Trump apologist are going to try to spin this?

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Trump either has really poor reading comprehension or he just lies to support his bogus conspiracy theories.

In his quoting of the Pew report Trump claims that the report says that 1.8 million deceased people voted. What the report actually says is that there are 1.8 million deceased people listed as voters and that the system needs to be upgraded. Pew went on to say that they could find no evidence of voter fraud.

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Highlights from the original Washington Post Transcript...I'm too lazy to unhighlight. Holy fucknuts batman.



DAVID MUIR: Mr. President, I just have one more question on this. And it's — it's bigger picture. You took some heat after your visit to the CIA in front of that hallowed wall, 117 stars — of those lost at the CIA. You talked about other things. But you also talked about crowd size at the inauguration, about the size of your rallies, about covers on Time magazine. And I just wanna ask you when does all of that matter just a little less? When do you let it roll off your back now that you're the president?


PRESIDENT TRUMP: Okay, so I'm glad you asked. So, I went to the CIA, my first step. I have great respect for the people in intelligence and CIA. I'm — I don't have a lot of respect for, in particular one of the leaders. But that's okay. But I have a lot of respect for the people in the CIA.

That speech was a home run. That speech, if you look at Fox, okay, I'll mention you — we see what Fox said. They said it was one of the great speeches. They showed the people applauding and screaming and — and they were all CIA. There was — somebody was asking Sean — “Well, were they Trump people that were put--" we don't have Trump people. They were CIA people.

That location was given to me. Mike Pence went up before me, paid great homage to the wall. I then went up, paid great homage to the wall. I then spoke to the crowd. I got a standing ovation. In fact, they said it was the biggest standing ovation since Peyton Manning had won the Super Bowl and they said it was equal. I got a standing ovation. It lasted for a long period of time. What you do is take — take out your tape — you probably ran it live. I know when I do good speeches. I know when I do bad speeches. That speech was a total home run. They loved it. I could've …



DAVID MUIR: You would give the same speech if you went back …


DAVID MUIR: … in front of that wall?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: People loved it. They loved it. They gave me a standing ovation for a long period of time. They never even sat down, most of them, during the speech. There was love in the room. You and other networks covered it very inaccurately. I hate to say this to you and you probably won't put it on but turn on Fox and see how it was covered. And see how people respond to that speech.

That speech was a good speech. And you and a couple of other networks tried to downplay that speech. And it was very, very unfortunate that you did. The people of the CIA loved the speech. If I was going to take a vote in that room, there were, like, 300, 350 people, over 1,000 wanted to be there but they couldn't. They were all CIA people. I would say I would've gotten 350 to nothing in that room. That's what the vote would've been. That speech was a big hit, a big success — success. And then I came back and I watched you on television and a couple of others.

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that was a very tough interview to watch last night.

like MT, i hoped a lot of his bluster was just campaign talk. sadly, he wasn't able to dial it down at all. we all know you have to pick your battles, but it seems like this POTUS doesn't have that wired into his approach right now. 

there's an article from CNN out there about the size of the crowd and how it gives a lot of credence to what trump said, but the size of the crowd is such an inconsequential thing. the insistence on voter fraud, which should be an important issue for all of us, comes of as douchey because he didn't win the popular vote. plus all the other bluster he spews, and on top of that, he's still on twitter!

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