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Ft. Lauderdale Shooting

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we were in florida to sing a few years ago. had a concert in ft. lauderdale one saturday night. the drive to the church was harrowing. i have never seen so many jay-walkers in my life, and they were not only bold but adamant about their right to cross the street any time they felt like it. i hated driving there, even more than i hate driving in glendale.

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22 hours ago, Jason said:


sounds like this guy was mentally unhinged. It's too bad those with mental issues can't or don't get the help they need until it's too late

The problem is, its not a crime to be crazy. And it literally is one of those situstions where someone has to commit a crime before you can put them away, so to speak.

If someone is crazy, but can function, know to eat/find somewhere to sleep, etc etc...they can talk to themselves all they want.

I deal with batshit crazy people all the time. Straight out of the movies, where they think the govt is shooting beams from satallites in their head, etc. But theres nowhere to take them. 

By the way, im calling bullshit on the family saying iraq made him crazy....26 year old national guardsman...i question when he was there, where he was and what he did...hes a little young to have made there for the bad times.

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Him being in Iraq is a convenient excuse for the family, nothing more, IMO. I imagine that he has been gone mentally for a while. He may be one of those people who can have a sane conversation for a short time, but the longer that you talk to them, the stranger it gets. I know the types you are talking about, Ten Ocho. I have had patients who were absolutely convinced that they were Jesus Christ, the President of the United States, and everything in between. One swore that he was a spy planted on the unit by the FBI. Another hid under the bed so that the aliens couldn't read her thoughts.

I had a bipolar patient who had the most complex delusional system I have ever seen. He incorporated things that he had read and seen on television, and he could give you dates, times and places where things happened - except that they didn't, and he didn't really know the people involved. He swore that he was married to Joan Lunden (then working for ABC). He could tell you where and when he popped the question, where they were married, where they went on their honeymoon and so forth. However, the longer that he was off his lithium, the more unhinged that he got.

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