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GOP Debate

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Should be incredibly good laughs.


Question for people really into politics. If you're Rick Perry or Rick Santorum and you don't make the first debate, are you pretty much done in terms of having any possible shot at the nomination?

There is no debating it, I must watch the debate.  


To answer your question, there is still plenty of time for them to say something really crazy and rise up in the polls. 

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I'm not really enthusiastic about the the current front runner from either party being entertaining above all else.  I get that it's early in the process but that's the epitome of the American Idol mindset where too many people are more interested in entertainment than things that actually matter.  Maybe the next step is changing it so people can vote from their phones...

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Should be incredibly good laughs.


Question for people really into politics. If you're Rick Perry or Rick Santorum and you don't make the first debate, are you pretty much done in terms of having any possible shot at the nomination?


At this point 4 years ago Michelle Bachmann won the Iowa straw poll. There is a long way to go. I think what it comes down to is who has the Sugar Daddies that will keep writing checks to keep some of these lower tier candidates in the game until the field narrows down.


If your Bush or Walker, your goal is not to get caught in the IED that is Trump and just survive without too much damage until Trump explodes or gets bored in the next few months.

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the whole thing is going to be focused on trump, hoping he says more outrageous things. it'll be like how the news just swarmed around staples center after the lakers won, hoping they'd be able to catch the train wreck and violence outside as it happened.


in the meantime, there are going to be some candidates that will be almost completely ignored, and it's guaranteed that we won't hear any substantive information from most of them. it'll be like listening to chris berman when an angels players is up to bat at the home run contest.


i think the afternoon debate will be more interesting, to be honest. and i won't be surprised if after this debate, 3 or 4 candidates drop out, knowing that they won't ever be heard above the noise of the donald and his sideshow.


my biggest question going in to this is whether or not trump will come off looking like he understands the issues and is a serious candidate. the word out of his camp is that he doesn't like to practice and will be firing from the hip tomorrow night. his people really have no idea what he's going to say.

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I'm not really enthusiastic about the the current front runner from either party being entertaining above all else.  I get that it's early in the process but that's the epitome of the American Idol mindset where too many people are more interested in entertainment than things that actually matter.  Maybe the next step is changing it so people can vote from their phones...


I don't think there will be anyone from either party that excites anyone who isn't a card-carrying Dem or Rep ever again. We're regressing, politically. 


If Trump wasn't in the debate and there wasn't a solid chance that he might call someone an "idiot" or a "boring guy" there'd be no reason to watch, especially since Perry didn't make the debate and we won't get to see him stumble over basic language. 

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