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A's fans aren't the smartest


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Anyone else seen all the whining on Twitter now about the light wave, talking about how dangerous it is and labelling it "cheating"?


Now, I'm not disputing that the light wave is stupid - it is - but that is a purely ridiculous argument. Eff the A's.

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I wouldn't say it's cheating, but it does come off as weak.

It's done just as much with the Angels batting as with anyone else. The people doing it aren't even paying enough attention to the game to know who is batting. It's stupid, nothing more than that.


And yeah, them and a whole bunch of others. Even Susan Slusser - who I think is one of the best baseball writers - is getting in on the action.

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People find a way to complain about stadium fans for anything. So what if they do the wave, so what if they have beach balls and light up their phones. Only pretentious a-holes go to the game and complain about everything. Stay your ass at home if you hate people, like me.

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People find a way to complain about stadium fans for anything. So what if they do the wave, so what if they have beach balls and light up their phones. Only pretentious a-holes go to the game and complain about everything. Stay your ass at home if you hate people, like me.

I've seen the guys with the flags. They look very, very dumb. It's a baseball game, not a military funeral.


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A's fans have been getting a lot of props of late -- so maybe they have reached that StL level of superfan status where they are at liberty to decide what's acceptable behavior.

Add that to the fact that they haven't won a WS in quite a while, and you have the recipe for douchebag fans.

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I love the light wave.  I dig how it starts subtly and builds.  You look up and there's a few lights at first.  You look back and there's a bunch going off.  And then, an inning later, there's a ton.


It's quiet, people don't stand during a pitch or swing or play, and you can watch the game while doing it.  I've never participated, but I endorse it.  Light wave away, Angel fans!

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Brodie Brazil, host of the A's pre and post-game show, is not happy. HAHAHA

Also, what kind of name is Brodie Brazil?




So you're an MLB team, openly telling/coordinating fans to distract the opponent batter with phones & flashlights?.... #karma









Really awesome of many #Angels fans to shine their phones & flashlights during Vogt at bat. #Tacky

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