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I'm done buying in

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They are new even less fun to watch than last year. 


This is the worst part. At least last year they sucked at pretty much everything and it was like "meh whatever" but this team has a lot of potential and it is being shit on by a complete dumpster fire of a bullpen and a "closer" who literally has a vagina.


The pen needs a complete overhaul. No more of this "wait and see" complacent bullcrap. We've seen enough already. Get some fresh faces in here and get that assclown out of the closing role.

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Season whatever. 


This team is set up for heartbreak on a daily basis unless they fix this ridiculous bullpen.  I just can't get on board anymore.  It's too damn frustrating. 


They are new even less fun to watch than last year. 


Well that's not true. They have been playing much better. It's fun to watch both Trout and Pujols back to back. It was fun watching right up until Frieri blew the game. He did save the game on Monday, but he needs to go. He has terrible fastball command. Joe Smith needs to close. 


Frieri needs to pitch in Jepsen's spot until he gets his shit right, Jepsen needs to go and one of these three need to come up: Alvarez, Bedrosian or Morin. 

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Yeah, between how bad this current core of relievers is and the fact that this team seems entirely happy to hope veteran flame-outs don't embarrass themselves rather than gambling on the upside of younger players, I'm just...whatever.

Edited by jshep
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Fair enough.

They'll string me along until September. There's a lull between Warriors basketball and Panthers football that doesn't give any other choice.

Tonight's loss really hurt. Mainly because this whole .500 thing. Not to mention its pretty clear this bullpen will have many more nights like tonight this season.

I'm happy to see Pujols hitting again, but I feel like it's all going to be for nothing. Him and Trout are seriously going to have to carry the entire offense until Hamilton and Calhoun get back. By then we may actually be 10 games back, and that's alot to make up regardless of how early it is.

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Yep. Offense, even without Hamilton and Calhoun, continue to do well enough...and the rotation has been solid with great performances from the young arms at the back. They have potential this year and it's being completely nullified by this garbage pen


A's and Rangers are 13-8 and 14-8, Halos really should be 13-8 themselves if they had a damn bullpen. It's just killing them in a tough division and is holding them back from actually being a legit contender


the opportunity is there this year, but they need to find a way to completely overhaul this pen during the season. The first change is to make Smith closer...after that it becomes a mess. Frieri doesn't even look like he can be counted on as a setup man. He needs to be doing mop-up until he starts pitching better. I guess Kohn can be the setup guy with Smith as closer, since he's actually looked the best of the bunch


beyond that though, middle relief is just anybody's guess of crap(Morin, Bedrosian, Alvarez, Sisk...maybe these guys can fill this role and be saviors). If not that, they need to try and work a trade for another reliable pen arm

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We don't get the sweep and you're done?  Disappointing loss for sure.  Quite the knee-jerk on your part though.  Tomorrow starts another series.  Please don't post another thread like this one if we take 2 of 3.

how does 2/3 matter at all.  How about 10-11.  That's our record.  How about winning games you are supposed to win.  I wonder what our record would be if we did. 


So we should be happy when we win a series even if we have stupid and unnecessary losses? 


I am knee-jerking?  the pen has sucked for 4 straight years.  We finally have the SP to keep us in games and I am reactionary because I am annoyed that the pen is blowing shit up for the 4th year in a row? 


ok.  you can get the water torture and then try to tell everyone it's good to be properly hydrated. 

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We don't get the sweep and you're done?  Disappointing loss for sure.  Quite the knee-jerk on your part though.  Tomorrow starts another series.  Please don't post another thread like this one if we take 2 of 3.


If it were one game -- but it's the tone all season long..... the ONLY reason this team isn't 3-4 wins better right now is because of the pen.   We kept hearing all off-season and during ST how this year April would be different, how they wouldn't sit back and accept failure or wait on things to improve and yet we are seeing people like Josh Wall before pitchers significantly more talented.  How is a manager or a GM supposed to go on record as saying something like that and then face his team knowing full well the organization isn't putting the best possible players on the roster?


I don't think anyone who posts here would be bent if they called these kids up and they went through the typical growing pains expected of young guys -- but at least there would glimpses of what could be.   What we are seeing is the definition of insanity....    We saw something similar in 2002... I can't speak for anyone else but I want to see this organization have the faith in its farm system and talent that it once did.

Edited by Inside Pitch
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We don't get the sweep and you're done?  Disappointing loss for sure.  Quite the knee-jerk on your part though.  Tomorrow starts another series.  Please don't post another thread like this one if we take 2 of 3.


10-11 on the year bro.  We see the writing on the wall.  The team has a good offense (especially once Hamilton and Calhoun come back), good starting pitching (assuming no injuries), but probably the worst pen in the league.  It's an issue.  One that management can recognize and attempt to fix before it's too late, or one where the can stand pat with...e.g. saying Ernesto is still your closer after he gives up his fifth home run in 8 innings to start the year. 

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Season whatever. 


This team is set up for heartbreak on a daily basis unless they fix this ridiculous bullpen.  I just can't get on board anymore.  It's too damn frustrating. 


They are new even less fun to watch than last year. 


I was on board with the other thread about the Angels going on a tear. But now, I'm in your camp. What a difference an inning makes.

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I feel like part of being a fan is buying in every year.  There were only 2 years in recent memory that I never bought in and that was the wretched 2010 and 2011 seasons.  I'm an optimist by nature and try to see the good in the team.  Does disappointment follow?  Most of the time, yeah, but that's the nature of the game. 


Still, I think we have one of the best rotations in the AL and once Calhoun and Hamilton are healthy, will have the best offense in the league as well.  I'm also a firm believer that the right personnel in the bullpen would fix everything.  Morin, Alvarez and Bedrock aren't just good for the minors, they're ready to be good in the majors as well and I don't know why the Angels are either failing to see it or blatantly ignoring it.  But if they ever pull their heads out, the bullpen will be good as well. 


Demote Herrera, bring up Morin, cut Jepsen, promote Bedorsian, demote Maronde, promote Sisk as he's an actual lefty-specialist, demote Boesch, promote Green, demote Stewart, promote Alvarez.  


9-Smith, 8-Morin, 7-Bedrosian, 6-Kohn, tight spots when you need a K-Frieri, Alvarez, lefties-Sisk.


That bullpen would be dominant. 

Edited by ScottyA_MWAH
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Maybe you guys should rent instead of buy.

I left the house as the top of the 9th ended with Howie being an idiot and swinging at crap, again. At least we had a three run lead when I took my wife out to dinner.


With the radio on Frieri proceeds to go 3-0 to the first batter and gives up a home run. I shut the radio off knowing that dipstick would blow this game and Nero would fiddle in the dugout instead of walk the 100 feet to the mound, take the ball and kick Frieri to the showers.

I am renting the rest of the season.

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