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Trout vs. Puig - who ya got?


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really?  Trout has done it for almost 2 full years now, Puig not even half a season.  Trout has already improved his k/BB ratio, while Puig's is alarmingly bad and suggests a serious decline in his offensive numbers.  And then there's the whole attitude thing - Puig is a hothead and makes waves - Trout stays above all that and everyone around the league seems to like and respect him.  What's to decide?

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Trout, easily. And I'm not a homer, either, so there is objectivity here.


Don't get me wrong. Puig is quite a talent. He's better than Trout in only one area, and that's arm strength. He's got an absolute cannon.


I think Puig vs. Harper could be an interesting argument, though.


Yes he does:



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Looking at it, trying to be objective - I can't yet pick one over the other if I am starting a franchise.

Are you joking right now? Go check out the Trout fWAR thread. He's already a top 10 player of all time at this pace he's going, and he's 0.7 WAR away (in 240 less games) from passing Mel Ott in most WAR through his age 21 season. 


He's going to have 200+ hits, 100+ walks, an OPS over 1.000+ all at 21. As said before...Puig vs Harper would be the better comparison.

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Yasiel has the power, the questions arise when it comes to maturity and making good decisions. He looks like he could be the next Vlad but his demeanor doesn't seem as easy going. Articles already have popped up where other teams do not like his attitude, that he has anger issues. It could be acclimation to MLB and a language and cultural barrier but the warning signs are there, off field problems could pop up in the future.


For Trout it is pretty easy to believe he will keep a steady, even keel throughout his career. No major blowups on the field with the umpires, no confrontations with players or the staff. I doubt you ever read of Mike getting into trouble off the field. A good PR guy that will be marketable for more than just his stat line.


Since both are amazing talent on the field I would definitely go with Trout and enjoy never having to apologize for anything he may do on or off the field.

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Puig has a .462 the  BABIP which is the highest  in baseball for players with at least 250 pa, and it's not even close.



Puig is very exciting, but I doubt there's anyone in baseball who would take him over trout right now.


I agree with the previous poster who said comparing puig to harper makes more sense.

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Trout, easily. And I'm not a homer, either, so there is objectivity here.


Don't get me wrong. Puig is quite a talent. He's better than Trout in only one area, and that's arm strength. He's got an absolute cannon.


I think Puig vs. Harper could be an interesting argument, though.


Agree..  I think Puig's power potential is with Harper's

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Puig appears to be a winner.  I love Trout but look at the Dodgers' winning % before he got there and after.

Are you forgetting about Hanley Ramirez who also started playing the same time as Puig?


Hanley has been even better than Puig with the bat.

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