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Game Day Predictions - Game #117 - 8/12/13 Angels at Yankees

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Post your predictions here for season game #117, 8/12/13 vs. the New York Yankees.  Game time is 4:05 pm PST.  The probable pitchers are Richards ® vs. Kuroda ®.  Winners from game #116, 8/11/13 vs. the Cleveland Indians are shown below.  An updated Predictions Scoreboard is also shown below, and in the Rules Thread above.  There was a slight revision made to the Predictions Scoreboard posted earlier today due to the non-inclusion of Aug. 10 results.  Only 6 points were scored on that day, so the standings are only slightly altered.  They are now correct.  Thanks to Ochocinco! for noticing.



4 Points, 2 Points





3 Points


Ray McKigney  (Hamilton 1-4, 1 single)

ZachMartin1994  (Hamilton 1-4, 1 single)



1 Point


JAHV76  (Calhoun 1 single)

HeavenlyHalos  (Calhoun 1 single)

angelfan61  (Trout 2-4)

Tank  (Trout 2-4)

katrinab  (Hamilton 1 single)

GoodTimesGoneBad  (Trout 1 BB)

paws  (Shuck 1 run)




SCOREBOARD (Revised on 8/11/13 at 10:44 pm)

[Year to Date Through 8/11/13 - Season Game 116; Next Update Thursday Night 8/15/13]


1.   AngelsAndRamsFan.....84 (15) - May 2013 Player of the Month AS13


2.   Ray McKigney.....74 (14) AS13


3.   Redondo.....71 (15) AS13

4.   HeavenlyHalos.....71 (10) - June 2013 Co-Player of the Month AS13


5.   Ochocinco!.....69 (12)


6.   paws*.....67 (12) - July 2013 Player of the Month AS13


7.   SoCalSportsFan.....63 (7) AS13


8.   JAHV76.....60 (9) AS13


9.   2002_halos_II.....59 (7)


10. Jeff M.....57 (10) AS13

11. GoodTimesGoneBad.....57 (9) AS13


12. Troutipoo27.....56 (7)


13. Mark68.....55 (9) - April 2013 Player of the Month AS13

14. ZachMartin1994.....55 (6)


15. TCB.....52 (7)


16. katrinab.....51 (4)


17. Jellybean.....50 (5) - June 2013 Co-Player of the Month


18. Angels N Skins.....47 (9)


19. BatsnBeer.....44 (6)

20. Jeff S......44 (6) - 2012 Champion


21. The Angels.....42 (7)


22. Jimmag.....40 (7)


23. tomsred**.....39 (1) - 2010 Champion


24. Torridd.....37 (4)


25. notalpujols.....34 (5)


26. bigfish27.....32 (4)


27. Angels_Baseball.....31 (4)

28. AZMike.....27 (2)


29. angelfan61.....26 (3)


30. True Grich.....25 (4)


31. Jammer36.....19 (2)

32. HaloFromVegas.....19


33. SoWhat.....18 (2)


34. Tank.....17 (1)


35. EDinTUSTIN.....16


36. tdawg87.....14 (2)

37. nando714.....13 (2)


38. Kenny.....12 (2)


39. Peyton.....11 (2)


40. Lawrence.....10 (3)


41. Pbonetheman.....9 (1)

42. STLCardinalsFan.....9 (1)


43. The Dude.....8 (1)


44. stemyn.....7


45. scooby10672.....6 (1)

46. m0nkey.....6 - 2011 Champion


47. George.....5

48. ispy45.....5


49. hk47.....4 (1)

50. cezero.....4

51. Geoff Stoddart.....4

52. GalericX.....3 (1)

53. nate.....3 (1)

54. poker1.....3 (1)

55. StephenGlansberg.....3 (1)

56. Agalloch.....3

57. Jim.....3

58. Kody Mac.....3

59. Primitive.....3

60. CaliAngel.....2

61. CardsFanVegas.....2

62. Eric.....2

63. LBHalos17.....2

64. open_speed.....2

65. rick99gtp.....2

66. Waller.....2


67. Angel Dog and Beer.....1

68. Cory.....1

69. Dochalo.....1

70. ELEVEN.....1

71. Eric Notti.....1

72. ettin.....1

73. Hans Moleman.....1

74. ineedanap.....1

75. rafibomb.....1

76. RallyTime.....1

77. Sciosciapath.....1

78. TrumBomb.....1



Following each player is the year to date points total, along with the total of 3 and/or 4 points wins shown in parenthesis.


AS13 - Designates the player is a 2013 All Star selection.

* Not eligible to win prizes  (conflict of interest)

**Administrator, not eligible to win.


Hey Tom , I believe you mis counted on my point total I should have 69, the last update I had 67 and I've had two 1 point games since then.

Thanks Ocho, I have investigated it.  I forgot to include the 6 points earned on Aug. 10th (Game #115) in the totals.  On that day I earned two points, and you, Angels N Skins, Ray McKigney, and Kenny earned one point each.  I have corrected the Prediction Scoreboard tonight.  I guess I refused to believe I could actually get two points in one night, LOL!  I keep a master Excel spreadsheet for the year, so it was easy to find anyway.

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