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Jack Clark Fired


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Good for Pujols.  http://espn.go.com/mlb/story/_/id/9553275/albert-pujols-says-sue-jack-clark-false-accusations



"My faith in Jesus Christ, and my respect for this game are too important to me. I would never be able to look my wife or kids in the eye if I had done what this man is accusing me of.

"I know people are tired of athletes saying they are innocent, asking for the public to believe in them, only to have their sins exposed later down the road. But I am not one of those athletes, and I will not stand to have my name and my family's name, dragged through the mud."

I believe him until facts say otherwise. I'll be very disappointed if it proves he had. I think he would have shown up somewhere on the Mitchell, though if there really was anything to it.


Now Kobe, with his miracle recoveries I would totally believe is on the HGH

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To be honest, I think Albert was probably juicing, at least for a time. I think most hitters, or at least power hitters, in the mid-90s to early-00s were juicing - and yes by "most" I mean most.


I also agree with Rob Neyer that when he uses the "God and family" card it just makes him sound disingenuous.

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I also agree with Rob Neyer that when he uses the "God and family" card it just makes him sound disingenuous.


Things sound disingenuous when they're brought up in a way that is out of character for the person, in an effort to frame themselves in a better light.  


Albert talks about God and his family all the time.  It's who he is.  It's who he's been for the entirety of his career.  It's anything but disingenuous. 

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Reading that statement Albert put out, whoever wrote, be it Albert or someone else, did an amazing job because that sounded about as genuine and about as "Albert" to the core as you can get.  Before I read that, I would've said Albert probably did steroids, now, I don't believe he did.  Maybe I'm being too easily swayed here but when I read that, it came across as extremely genuine to me. 

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I also agree with Rob Neyer that when he uses the "God and family" card it just makes him sound disingenuous.


Maybe Rob Neyer has neither in his life. Those of us who do, tend to make them our top priority. Both influence the choices I make and have made in my life, so why not Albert. Sad that our world is one that looks with an eye of skepticism on those who hold to such values, especially those in the public eye.

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Things sound disingenuous when they're brought up in a way that is out of character for the person, in an effort to frame themselves in a better light.  


Albert talks about God and his family all the time.  It's who he is.  It's who he's been for the entirety of his career.  It's anything but disingenuous. 


Maybe disingenous is the wrong word. Trump card, maybe?


Don't get me wrong, I'm no more or less a fan of Albert than I was before "Clarkgate." I fully expect it to come out eventually that half or more of baseball players during the Roid Era were using. I think it was (and perhaps still is) more endemic than most want to admit. I'm just not convinced by anything Albert is saying. In other words, he'd be using the "God and family" rhetoric whether or not he was using, so it doesn't mean anything. It just sounds a bit like a trump card, and one that has no value, at least to me. Religious belief and morality are two separate things. Just as there are amoral and moral atheists, so too are there moral and amoral religious people. A for his family, he was married in 2000 so presumably they didn't start having kids until 2001, Albert's rookie year. So him not doing steroids because of family would only start coming into effect then; he very well could have been using before, which is when Clark claimed the trainer was shooting him up.


But again, I don't really care either way - except for the fact that steroids sully the record books. I honestly don't believe or disbelieve what Albert is saying, but my point is that adding God and family does nothing for his argument and sounds a bit like a trump card.

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How did the radio station "fire" Clark when he's never been an employee of the company? He's just paid to appear as a guest on the station from time to time. The station probably would have been able to successfully fight any suit since they state "the station does not agree with any of the opinions or comments of their guests". That being said, it would have cost them lots of $$$ to fight that suit.


But I hope Pujols continues to pursue Jack Clark on this. He needs to stop doing this crap and it will also act as a deterrent for anyone else that wants to throw around senseless accusations.

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But again, I don't really care either way - except for the fact that steroids sully the record books. I honestly don't believe or disbelieve what Albert is saying, but my point is that adding God and family does nothing for his argument and sounds a bit like a trump card.


The point is that Albert adds God and family to everything he does in his life.  It's just who he is.  He's not adding it as a "trump card."  He's adding it because he always adds it.  


If Albert never talked about God and his family, then it would certainly come across disingenuous or trump card-like, but that's not the case.  He's not adding it to boost his case, he adds it because he always adds it.  That's who he is.



EDIT:  By the way, that doesn't mean I think you should believe him or not believe him.  But calling him out on the God and family thing now doesn't make sense.

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