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Mike Trout back in LF

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I have no problems with it.  And I don't think Trout does either.  Him, Trumbo, and Bourjos seem to be like the three Amigos.  Heck last season, Trout and Bourjos were joking that they were going to let nothing drop in the outfield at the beginning of the season.  


I think reporters are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

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Exactly, gotbeer.


Trout playing CF or LF has no significance to what he does at the plate. He struggled in April because it's baseball and it's a long season. Everybody goes through stretches where they don't hit well at some point, Trout just happened to have his when the season began(and he'll have another stretch as well most likely....because it happens)


The fact that his slow start happened while he was playing LF and his hot streak started when he was playing CF was just coincidence. He mashed in LF just fine last year

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Trout has honestly been pretty mediocre in both OF positions this year, all things considered.  UZR and a few other metrics confirm this as well, although it has been a somewhat small sample size.  His arm is also ridiculously weak for CF, as we've seen it being taken advantage of by baserunners numerous times this year already.


There's no legitimate argument really for keeping him in CF, other than the opinion that somehow playing CF makes him hit better.  Or that playing him there will keep him happy and make him more likely to sign long-term. 

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Trout has honestly been pretty mediocre in both OF positions this year, all things considered.  UZR and a few other metrics confirm this as well, although it has been a somewhat small sample size.  His arm is also ridiculously weak for CF, as we've seen it being taken advantage of by baserunners numerous times this year already.


There's no legitimate argument really for keeping him in CF, other than the opinion that somehow playing CF makes him hit better.  Or that playing him there will keep him happy and make him more likely to sign long-term. 


Exactly. Tim McCarver said Trout has a better arm than Bourjos during the saturday game on FOX. More evidence for Trout to be in LF, since McCarver is always wrong

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Trout has honestly been pretty mediocre in both OF positions this year, all things considered.  UZR and a few other metrics confirm this as well, although it has been a somewhat small sample size.  His arm is also ridiculously weak for CF, as we've seen it being taken advantage of by baserunners numerous times this year already.


There's no legitimate argument really for keeping him in CF, other than the opinion that somehow playing CF makes him hit better.  Or that playing him there will keep him happy and make him more likely to sign long-term. 


I think those are two legitimate reasons right there. What's going to happen if Trout starts slumping over the next couple of weeks? I hope he doesn't, but if it happens, something's gotta give.

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I just don't think you move your superstar player around.  If he's most comfortable in CF then that's where he should play.  Hell they're accommodating Pujols's demands by playing him at first half the time even though he can't walk.   


I agree with you. Even if Borjous is slightly better in CF, it's not that significant off a difference. It's almost negligible. 

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Mike Trout is back in LF today, with Peter Bourjos off DL and in CF. #Angels



We all knew this was coming, but IMO, the bad managerial decisions just keep piling up.  


And its comments like yours that has me laugh when people second guess Scioscia for "making bad mistakes".


This isn't a mistake.  Mike Trout is a mentally tough player.  He would never have made the majors before the age of 21 had he not been mentally tough.  A mentally tough player would not have his offensive numbers effected by what defensive position he plays.  PB is a better CF, therefore, the best move for the team (maybe not the best for mike trout but baseball is a team sport) is to have Trout play LF.

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I just don't think you move your superstar player around.  If he's most comfortable in CF then that's where he should play.  Hell they're accommodating Pujols's demands by playing him at first half the time even though he can't walk.

When Pujols is physically able to play 1B, the Angels start him at 1B because he's the best 1B on the team. They don't start him there to appease him.

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What is up with this term? I've heard it used sparingly in the past, but over the last month I've seen ten different people use it. Plus, I thought the correct term was "correlation does not imply causation."

wrong!  correlation could imply causation, but not necessarily equal causation.

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What is up with this term? I've heard it used sparingly in the past, but over the last month I've seen ten different people use it. Plus, I thought the correct term was "correlation does not imply causation."

I think there has just been a lot of speculation because of how much the team is sucking that everyone is trying to find the cause of every little problem, which have resulted in many arguments derived from a correlation.

I think it will be a good thing having Trout in left. A few weeks ago I felt the opposite because Trout had looked a little worse in LF then CF, but I have seen him make some of the same dumb errors in CF as he had earlier in the season in LF. So I guess.his defense is just not the same as it was last year, regardless of position (weight gain maybe??). His hitting will be unaffected by any switch in position if he is even half the player we all think he is.

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