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I'm a SSH, but I don't sell many of my tickets this way. I have a few people that take ten or twenty games and we do a ticket draft before the season. I have tried to sell one game and they didn't sell. I also have put up for sale my 4th of July tickets but so far no luck.


I'm a season ticket holder, and haven't sold any of my tickets.  I either go (most of the time) or give them to family or friends.  I would obviously like to see them win, but it's great entertainment either way.  And what's not to like about being outside in So Cal in this weather in the evening, it's pretty nice at the ballpark.  The only negative is over the top drunken fans.


From Shaikin

#Angels opted out of StubHub-MLB deal, with its $6 minimum tix. Angels now selling $5 tix for entire #Royals series, starting tomorrow.

There were several $5 deals (nose bleed seats) going on if you looked at the Angels site for tix.

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