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Haren speaks the truth!

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How is a team supposed to "jell" if they never player together for more than a year?


Harens right. We looked decent at the end of last year, and shoulda kept intact with more of those guys. 


I would have been fine passing on Hamilton to keep a majority of the same guys. 

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"It's about the players' performance," Haren said. "It's not Scioscia's fault that there are a ton of injuries. It's not Scioscia's fault the lineup hasn't lived up to its capabilities. But someone has to take the fall, and if it's Scioscia, that's unfortunate. He's really an intelligent guy. If it did happen, he would be without a job for two minutes. Teams would be lucky to have him."

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I'm inclined to agree with Haren as well. The 2012 should have been kept (largely) intact. It played really well for most of the year, just started slow. The big loss was Zack Greinke, which would have been hard to make up for. But dialing back to November of 2012, I would have passed on Hamilton, resigned Hunter for two years, still traded Morales for Vargas, kept Santana and Haren, and gone into 2013 with a rotation of Weaver, Wilson, Santana, Haren, and Vargas, and a lineup the same as it is now but with Hunter instead of Hamilton.


But alas, Jerry Dipoto isn't me (and, admittedly, doesn't have my 20-20 hindsight vision).

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