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Scioscia's handling of the BP tonight


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He is doing quite well.  This bullpen has got to be really tired though.  We don't have the quality of relievers that can go an entire season without hitting some bumps in the road now and then, and the starters have simply put way to many innings on them.  Now with the potential of Ramirez going down with forearm tightness, that will stress them even more.  I'm sure that Eppler is digging deep for some more arms that can help.  Hopefully we get a boost when the roster expands if not before.

Those recent three grand slam walk offs were spectacular endings, but they still count as just one loss each.  I don't think it throws the veterans on this team into a funk.  One of the special strengths of this team is their bounce back ability.  Hopefully that part of their character stays around for future years to come. 




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2 hours ago, stormngt said:

What the he'll happened to Bailey.   The bullpen is gassed and he us nowhere to be seen?

After not pitching for 4 months, they wanted to break him in with some low leverage spots. Unfortunately they haven't had any. 

I suppose a 4-run lead in the 9th last night was close. He was warming up if the Angels got another run in the top of the 9th.

Also, today I had a little sit down with Scioscia about all his decisions on Friday night. Although I can't say exactly what went into all of them (besides what I already explained about having Parker face the heart of the order), I can now see the kind of things he's looking at. A lot of the decisions had to do with the quality of pitches and not merely the results. 

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Oh I also sat down with Scott Radinsky to ask about the whole multi-inning thing and he said for a lot of pitchers, not all of them, coming back for a second inning just doesn't work, no matter how few pitches they threw in the previous inning. He said the adrenaline is nowhere near the same, and that makes a difference if it's the only way you're used to pitching. 

It's a very big difference, coming out of the pen and letting it go vs going and sitting in the dugout and then firing it up again. Some guys can do it and some can't. 

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