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Red Jerseys

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New member here, but long time fan.  Grew up 5 minutes away from the Big A in the 70's.  Does anybody else here really dislike the red jerseys? They look like softball uniforms. The look should be white jerseys for home, gray for the road. Also, if they could go back to blue/red caps, all the better.  Really loved the retro-style uniforms of the early 90's. 

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Yeah I realize it's the least of worries but I haven't been a fan of these jerseys since we got them in 02. 

And yeah I realize they've made little tweaks like Anaheim to Angels on the greys and the solid red instead of the vest. But now we have 3 jerseys that are all the exact same in every way except the base color.

Would love for a jersey make over but I doubt it happens. 

I really like the Mariners jersey situation. They have 4. Their whites, grey, teal and then their Sunday throwbacks. Wish we would do the same.

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My favorite uniforms were the old Saturday evening dark blues that were worn only on Saturday about 18 years ago.

I also prefer the white jerseys over the red, but that might be because red is not among my favorite colors.

Too bad my worst team, the A's. has my favorite color, with the Mariners teal my 2nd choice.

I think the most appropriate color would be sky blue to go along with the theme of the nickname, but Gene Autry's favorite color was red, so here we are.

The starting pitcher chooses either white or red, and most prefer the red.




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3 minutes ago, Farmbuildingfan said:

My favorite uniforms were the old Saturday evening dark blues that were worn only on Saturday about 18 years ago.

I also prefer the white jerseys over the red, but that might be because red is not among my favorite colors.

Too bad my worst team, the A's. has my favorite color, with the Mariners teal my 2nd choice.

I think the most appropriate color would be sky blue to go along with the theme of the nickname, but Gene Autry's favorite color was red, so here we are.

The starting pitcher chooses either white or red, and most prefer the red.





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1 hour ago, southbay said:

New member here, but long time fan.  Grew up 5 minutes away from the Big A in the 70's.  Does anybody else here really dislike the red jerseys? They look like softball uniforms. The look should be white jerseys for home, gray for the road. Also, if they could go back to blue/red caps, all the better.  Really loved the retro-style uniforms of the early 90's. 

I'm with you.  My house was 6.8 miles from the Big A when I lived in California.

I do know Scioscia lets the starting pitcher pick the jersey, and this bunch almost always pick   red.  I'm tired of red.  Like you I want one white home and one gray road.

i don't like alternate (or alterations of) uniforms of any kind whether it be Spring, regular season, all-star game, holidays, or World Series.

The one exception is that I like the original uniform because that's what they wore when I became a fan.

But you know this stuff is all about money.  More things to wear, more things to buy.

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1 hour ago, CanadianHalo said:

Yeah I realize it's the least of worries but I haven't been a fan of these jerseys since we got them in 02. 

And yeah I realize they've made little tweaks like Anaheim to Angels on the greys and the solid red instead of the vest. But now we have 3 jerseys that are all the exact same in every way except the base color.

Would love for a jersey make over but I doubt it happens. 

I really like the Mariners jersey situation. They have 4. Their whites, grey, teal and then their Sunday throwbacks. Wish we would do the same.

What I don't like are the overuse of the A:

1. Cap- ok

2. Jersey - ok

3. Right sleeve- overkill

4. Left sleeve - overkill

5. Right red sock when pulled up- overkill

6. Left red sock when pulled up- overkill

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2 hours ago, southbay said:

New member here, but long time fan.  Grew up 5 minutes away from the Big A in the 70's.  Does anybody else here really dislike the red jerseys? They look like softball uniforms. The look should be white jerseys for home, gray for the road. Also, if they could go back to blue/red caps, all the better.  Really loved the retro-style uniforms of the early 90's. 

The Red Jersey's are the best Jersey's (Sean Spicer) PERIOD! Tremendous! Bigly!

Oh hai by the way welcome aboard to the board, which by the way, is the best board (Sean Spicer) PERIOD!

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agree with vegas. not a fan of the red on red on the caps or the jerseys. i'd like to see the dark blue hat or change the color of the A to the blue.

as for the jerseys, bring back the vest! that's been my favorite, hands down. aside from that, i really like the jerseys from the early 90s, before they switched to that stupid winged A.

i also want the silver halo back on the hats and batting helmets. that was just unique beyond words.

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I liked the halo on the crown of the cap because it was a unique expression of the team name "Angels."  I also heard that Gene Autry didn't like but allowed it because Bob Reynolds liked it.

The tie in since has been to the Big A so the uniform will have a likeness to the most distinctive feature of the park.  Since they aren't leaving for at least 12 years it's probably a good move.

i miss not only the original halo cap but the uniform that went with it.  The red lettering with the navy accessories were something I liked.

BUT...our moment in time 15 years ago came in the current uniform so it probably doesn't change soon.

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