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Below are some sample tweet topics. Compose each as if you’re tweeting from the team account. Assume each topic occurs in real time; could also include link to highlight video, Club.com article, Gameday, Shop page, or nothing at all. Feel free to include any ideas you have for images/GIFs/graphics. Please include this with your cover letter.

  1. Your team’s star hitter wins the batting title  BA>OBP #OnlyTheAngels
  2. First day of Spring Training games #HarbingerOfDesolation
  3. Team wins ninth straight game  Wheels falling off in 3.2.1...
  4. Ace starter goes down with elbow injury in 8thinning  In Anaheim, after the 7th inning stretch comes the 8th inning elbow injury
  5. Your team’s best outfielder does it again, making an incredible diving play.  Gone in 2020, enjoy it while you can
  6. Your manager gets ejected after arguing the result of a replay review.  Lasagna night at the post-game spread, Duh.

    Am I doing it right?

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    4 hours ago, disarcina said:

    actually, there are folks from this site who would be perfect of this and why not one of our guys?

    the folks who do the game day pbp and other commentary would be great for this........

    I'd like to see an AW.com person be the one to get this..........

    They could use the game day thread instead of this, and pay a subsidy to everyone who contributes.

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