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Senator Max Baucus to Retire

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Not if former Gov. Schweitzer runs, he is the most popular politician in the state.


I'm not really sure that is true.  Not that it would really matter, no politician is well liked in this state.  He might be disliked the least, but I'm not so sure.


The secret to win here is to win Billings.  If the GOP candidate cannot win Billings, then he/she has no chance to win

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He was out of the governor's office for what less than 2 months? There is a good reason why he won in 04 and 08 for governor in a red-leaning state, it's that he is pretty popular. PPP is a really good pollster and usually has low approval ratings so this stands out even more. Of course a good campaign by an opponent can drag down someone's approval rating but if Schweitzer runs, he would start as the favorite. Republicans don't have a deep bench of candidates either. 

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Your part of the state is very very Republican so that doesn't surprise me. I would assume that part of the state is growing faster than the western half because of the Bakken but Schweitzer isn't hardcore against fossil fuels so he should do well enough out there. Of course if he decides not to run, Republicans likely take the seat easily.

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