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Dean of Journalism at the University of North Texas victim of racist police

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She is the Dean of journalism and can read between the lines. When the officers said a pickup truck was behind her, she knew it was a threat that next time she is seen walking in the neighborhood Billy Bob is going to run her down. When they said she should walk on the other side it is because that is the Blacks Only side of the street, she was on the Whites only side.


But the main reason they pulled her over was she was practicing Hands Up Don't Shoot and that just pisses off racial profiling cops.

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I don't want to live in a world where a graduate of the Harvard University Institute for Management and Leadership in Education is forced to listen to the compassionate concerns of two young white males. The fact that they didn't resist her request for photos and even moved a bit closer together is just a cherry on top of this David Duke Negro-Hating cake

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Hopefully with some rest, some prayer and several years of therapy Dr. Bland will be able to move on with her life in some capacity. 



I can't imagine the burden this woman must carry with her everyday.  Living in an affluent neighborhood and not having any negative interactions with the local police.  I mean, just imagine!  There she is, wanting everyone to know that #BlackLivesMatter and having a local police department that completely agrees!  How horrible for her! 

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I don't agree with her bs crap she is spieling but those boys were a little bit bored and what not. 


A motorist (probably with a confederate flag license plate cover) couldn't get by her and saw the police and asked them to talk to her, (probably thinking they would shoot her black ass dead). 

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This is my favorite part of the article she submitted to the paper:  â€œDo you realize I bought the hoodie I was wearing after completing the Harvard University Institute for Management and Leadership in Education in 2014? Do you realize I have hosted gatherings for family, friends, faculty, staff and students in my home? Not once was a police officer called. To those officers, my education or property-owner status didn’t matter."




Soo ... if you're breaking the law, but own a house and graduated from an Ivy League school (and have a hoodie to prove it!), then society should just look the other way.  Got it.

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She broke the law?


Walking while colored?


Officers were respectful, though I probably don't have a frame of reference...I've never been asked for my ID or information on where I live while walking, even the time I was pushing a drunk friend down the street in a shopping cart.

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