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What happened to the Social libs?

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Drones, the Patriot Act, Police Departments stealing property, people disappearing in Chicago.  In the old days, the libs would have been all over this stuff.  


These were things that were great to fight for.


Now, not so much.  


Seems like if it isn't gun control, abortion rights or the "1 Percent" class warfare it gets barely a peep.


I could always count on the libs to put the reigns on the power hungry cons.  Not any more.

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Most of the movers and shakers in the leftist world are pretty well off: lots of college professors, Silicon Valley, lawyers, and that type. Their concern is what we can call social Marxism, which focuses nowadays on "gender" issues, race, and the environment. They still talk about welfare and related causes because they need 51% to get anything done and social leftists are only about 20% of the population. 


It's kind of similar with the Republicans where social conservatives need economic Libertarians to get a majority. 

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Drones, the Patriot Act, Police Departments stealing property, people disappearing in Chicago.  In the old days, the libs would have been all over this stuff.  


These were things that were great to fight for.


Now, not so much.  


Seems like if it isn't gun control, abortion rights or the "1 Percent" class warfare it gets barely a peep.


I could always count on the libs to put the reigns on the power hungry cons.  Not any more.

MT, the cons don't care about your first sentence either.  


With them it is always don't take my guns, go to war, abortion, ass-takers and don't tax the 1% even though 99.999999% of them are not even in that bracket. 


Looks like a tie to me. 

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MT, the cons don't care about your first sentence either.  


With them it is always don't take my guns, go to war, abortion, ass-takers and don't tax the 1% even though 99.999999% of them are not even in that bracket. 


Looks like a tie to me. 


You miss my point altogether Kurt.  I never tried to say cons cared about that.  No, in fact cons are more likely to favor these horrible things.  It is just that the libs used to care about this stuff.  They were the ones protesting the wars, slamming the government and fighting the government's abuses of power.


That was commendable.  

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How come we never hear the Cons railing against gay marriage? That was always their favorite boogie man. Oh yeah, they lost.


Can you explain what your response has to my initial question?


Besides, I doubt you were even born when the Social libs were at their peak.

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You miss my point altogether Kurt.  I never tried to say cons cared about that.  No, in fact cons are more likely to favor these horrible things.  It is just that the libs used to care about this stuff.  They were the ones protesting the wars, slamming the government and fighting the government's abuses of power.


That was commendable.  

Oh, you meant the libs of the old days.  They have gotten old and become tea party members now. 

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Interesting read, most of you have probably already seen this:




Democrats are in denial. Their party is actually in deep trouble.


Not only have Republicans won most elections, but they have a perfectly reasonable plan for trying to recapture the White House. But Democrats have nothing at all in the works to redress their crippling weakness down the ballot. Democrats aren't even talking about how to improve on their weak points, because by and large they don't even admit that they exist.


Instead, the party is focused on a competition between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton over whether they should go a little bit to Obama's left or a lot to his left, options that are unlikely to help Democrats down-ballot in the face of an unfriendly House map and a more conservative midterm electorate. The GOP might be in chaos, but Democrats are in a torpor.


In some ways, the Democrats' biggest disadvantage is simply their current smugness. A party that controls such a small share of elected offices around the country is a party that should be engaged in vigorous debate about how to improve its fortunes. Much of the current Republican infighting — embarrassing and counterproductive though it may be at times — reflects the healthy impulse to recognize that the party lacks the full measure of power that it desires, and needs to argue about optimal strategies for obtaining it.

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