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Scioscia defends 7th inning relievers

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"We tried to get some guys to match up, and some guys that were a little fresher.  Guys that have really been throwing the ball well for us, and we couldn't get through the 7th inning.  We had guys that we could use maybe shorter term, but we just couldn't get the ball to the plate in the 7th, and didn't make a couple plays in the field, and it ended up being a big inning for them."


"This game's funny, I don't know if I've been prouder of a group of guys that I've had the privilege to manage and coach than the guys in that room this year.  There were so many times when they could have just turned the page and said hey this isn't our year, we don't have the depth.  A lot of things went on that they couldn't control."


"They left their hearts on the field, it's an inspiring group."

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You gotta admit -- the dude has a limited set of cliches..   So like a Nickelback song, he just changes the order of the words while staying true to the same general cliches.



I can really get behind the Nickleback comparison.


I just lost an ounce of respect for you two knowing that you both have listened to a Nickelcrap song. :P

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You gotta admit -- the dude has a limited set of cliches..   So like a Nickelback song, he just changes the order of the words while staying true to the same general cliches.

Failed comparison. 

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