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The ads in AW mobile


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Hmmmmmm. I'm not seeing that guys. I have a Samsung Galaxy III and using both the stock and Google Chrome browsers all the time on this forum.


Maybe go to your mobile browser settings and look for a fixed setting like the "Fit to Screen" option?


I'm just rolling with the defaults and not seeing that. My buddy has an iPhone5 and isn't seeing this problem either. The ad should be behind the menu options (as you'll see in my screenshot below). Never have I seen the ads take priority over the menu options in mobile, nor is the ad in the way of the four squares that access the menu. 


Yes, the ad is square and larger than I'd like it in between the top and Los Angeles Angels Topics section, but that's as small as I can get it guys. The ad either goes away or it is the way it is. I spent time programming it into the Mobile version because ads would only show on the full version of the website.


No advertising, no funding for AngelsWin.com. With my new server and all the bells and whistles (and running this totally on my own now), the costs have more than quadrupled. There has to be money coming in or there's no AngelsWin.com. 


Below is what the mobile version of this website should look like, and how it looks like on my phone, on two different browsers. Looks pretty much the same on my buddy's iPhone5 too. 





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I have no problms with the ads and even click on them now and then for the sites revenue.


I get the second pic, but it is only brief until the ad covers the six upper squares. Even if I am quick and click one of the squares it still clicks the ad. Reading the site is fine and looks normal, it's just that menu screen where the ad overlaps the menu options.


I'm on a Galaxy 2 and just run whatever browser the phone uses.


It's no biggie though.

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The other issue, and this may be on my end, but if the ad is one of the game or anything apparently related it automatically leaves the site and opens the Google Play Store to download whatever apparently is present.

I am on the site then out of the blue get some adtrack link then the Google store.

Anything to do about that?

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The other issue, and this may be on my end, but if the ad is one of the game or anything apparently related it automatically leaves the site and opens the Google Play Store to download whatever apparently is present.

I am on the site then out of the blue get some adtrack link then the Google store.

Anything to do about that?

Yep, I'm having that same issue. Thought I was accidentally clicking on an ad at first. It won't stop me from checking in but it's slightly annoying.

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From what I understand, this happens on older generation phones like the S2 and HTC models over 2 years old (though all generation iPhones have no problems). Besides the iPhone, anything new, within the last year and a half, it's fine! When I did my testing, I tested it out on my neighbor's droid (the latest), Galaxy S3 and the iPhone 5. I thought I had it covered. 


The Google Play ad is going bye bye soon, so you shouldn't see that. Again though, I have no control over what ads show here. They come in from my ad partner.


Just use the full version of the website on your mobile device if you're experiencing issues. There's nothing really I can do. Sorry.

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Yep, same deal here with an older Droid. Frustrating because in my area in rural AZ I don't have great service to begin with and things take forever to load or even to click back and reload pages. I know, time to upgrade, but ain't got the $$..

The other issue, and this may be on my end, but if the ad is one of the game or anything apparently related it automatically leaves the site and opens the Google Play Store to download whatever apparently is present.

I am on the site then out of the blue get some adtrack link then the Google store.


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its pretty comical on my iphone using safari.

ads take up 80-90% of screen real estate, have to scroll down to see the threads.

but whatever, ads are ads.

i dont use my phone for this site but i can see how it would be slightly annoying. just ignore them or use the full version.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Where can I find AW Mobile? I remember a thread about it some time ago, but I didn't have an iPhone then.


Bottom left of the forums page it will say "Use Mobile Version".


I use it nearly 90% of the time on my Samsung Galaxy III. Love it. 

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I use the mobile version on my Mac as well. I like that it takes you to the last read post. I only have one suggestion with the mobile version and that would be to have a home button so you can hit one button to get you to choose which forum you want to visit next. As it is now you have to hit three buttons to get there.

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I use the mobile version on my Mac as well. I like that it takes you to the last read post. I only have one suggestion with the mobile version and that would be to have a home button so you can hit one button to get you to choose which forum you want to visit next. As it is now you have to hit three buttons to get there.


Scott, easy. Just hit the AngelsWin.com text in the red bar. That is your home button! 

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I've found with using the forums function if you wait for the screen to load the ads then move to background and you can navigate without activating them. Visually it may look like the forum search is there but it hasn't fully loaded so patience is the key.

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