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CJ Wilson article on FanGraphs


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Very interesting read. He has an impressive amount of knowledge. But it also confirms some of the things we see when he's on the mound. All the little tricks he tries to pull on hitters just serve to put him behind in counts and run his pitch count up into the stratosphere while throwing off his release point. It's why he doesn't get into the 7th inning and beyond very often.

When he pitches a good game he feels as tho he's pulled off a heist? That shouldn't be. He's giving the hitters way too much credit. He needs to understand that he's the one with the advantage. Only he and his catcher know what pitch type, speed, and location of each pitch is coming and the hitter has a fraction of a second to react.

He'd be better served to pick his three or four best pitches and spend his time commanding the feel of all of them and studying how to increase his pitch efficiency. He's still a good pitcher, but it seems to me he could be and probably should be a bit better.

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I think he is a narcissist and he over thinks things.


I don't think that makes him smart.


Where do you get the idea he is narcissistic? Spending time reviewing his own delivery from game to game to pick apart his own flaws is not narcissism, it's quite the opposite. Narcissism would dictate he has no flaws and as such needs not to change.


He also seems to not only understand the basic but advanced mechanics of pitching along with hitting and is using the information available on his opponents and verifying a game plan with his catchers. That seems like a man with a plan, even if his physical abilities sometimes are not cooperating.


It appears he is very level headed and understands what he can and can't do and is trying to adapt to his physical aging.

Edited by Eric Notti
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It is like being in a green side bunker with a two shot lead on 18 just needing a bogey to win knowing you can just hit a standard wedge to 50 feet, two putt and win but instead going for the risky flop shot that you aren't even strong at.


He is so milquetoast and I think it comes from over thinking everything.  Pitchers that don't trust their stuff and go with their strengths are destined to struggle.


The narcissism comes from CJ Winson Mazda, CJ Wilson Racing, Head and Shoulders, etc.

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Great article that will just be fuel for the guys that don't like him the next time he throws 100 pitches in 5+ innings. I love that he takes his craft so seriously. I truly couldn't care less if he has hobbies or business interests outside of baseball. Baseball will only be with him for the next few years might as well have interests for the 40 years after that. Oh and I highly doubt any of us would turn down a ton of money to endorse head and shoulders.

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Shoemaker is about the furthest thing from C.J. Wilson as far as pitchers go, not sure what talking to him would do. 


If Wilson had the ability to pound the zone (whether it's a mental, physical or dual deficiency at this point) he probably would have developed that before he turned 34. 

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It is like being in a green side bunker with a two shot lead on 18 just needing a bogey to win knowing you can just hit a standard wedge to 50 feet, two putt and win but instead going for the risky flop shot that you aren't even strong at.


He is so milquetoast and I think it comes from over thinking everything.  Pitchers that don't trust their stuff and go with their strengths are destined to struggle.


The narcissism comes from CJ Winson Mazda, CJ Wilson Racing, Head and Shoulders, etc.



He needs to sit down with a guy like Shoemaker and have a listen.


It's not rocket science! You have a couple of good pitches (Shoemaker's slider is devastating), and you pound the zone and work fast. You don't stand out there analyzing every damn pitch and get your mind all tied up in knots.


If there was a party going on and you two were both there, I'm guessing said party would be off the hook.

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Great article that will just be fuel for the guys that don't like him the next time he throws 100 pitches in 5+ innings. I love that he takes his craft so seriously. I truly couldn't care less if he has hobbies or business interests outside of baseball. Baseball will only be with him for the next few years might as well have interests for the 40 years after that. Oh and I highly doubt any of us would turn down a ton of money to endorse head and shoulders.

I love how you phrase this, as if those people are just meanies for disliking the fact he rarely gets deep into a game.  You know 100 pitches in 5+innings isn't good right?  If you can't eat up at least six innings as a starter, you haven't really done your job, especially for a starter making as much as CJ Wilson.  

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I love how you phrase this, as if those people are just meanies for disliking the fact he rarely gets deep into a game. You know 100 pitches in 5+innings isn't good right? If you can't eat up at least six innings as a starter, you haven't really done your job, especially for a starter making as much as CJ Wilson.

Yes I know that, of course I know that. Tell me you won't refer back to this article the next time his pitch count is up there again. Of course you will. My point wasn't this will make new people talk shit on him, my point was the people who do talk shit on him will refer to this article. Oh and the money part at the end is non factor in how many pitches or innings he throws in any given start.

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Seriously, this is exactly the kind of crap that makes the main forum so unreadable. A cool article about how a major league pitcher approaches the game has turned into just another bitch fest.

You're right, I shouldn't have wrote what I wrote. It was a great read and it gave some insight that you don't regularly get from pitchers that are currently pitching.

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