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Save the Offseason


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If they can manage to land Stroman that would obviously go a long way to helping people believe the off season has been saved.  On it’s own it may be enough at to get the Angels taken care of at starting pitching.  Anyway, I think we have to start thinking about what they can do if Stroman doesn’t happen. Taylor seems like a guy that fits.  Can play middle infield and can also go into the outfield.  Pretty good bat.  Big Ben Zobrist vibes.  I think he can probably be had on a reasonable (relatively) contract.  He goes a long ways towards helping in areas that angels need to take care of.  I’d focus on getting Raisel signed and then do my best to fill out the bullpen with good arms that are available.  Then I really invest in making the angels competitive with the dodgers and Astros - those types of teams - in analytics and coaching.  If they don’t get the guys that we hoped for, do the best you can putting good players on the roster and reinforce the bullpen.  The Angels starting pitching situation isn’t great but it’s getting better.  Make the guys you have better.  Make the bullpen a strength and field a good deep line up.  They’ll compete.  

Edited by UndertheHalo
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1 hour ago, Stradling said:

Ok now it’s up to us to save the off season, how do you do it?  




Trade for deJong 

I think youre pretty much spot on here.
Maybe Melancon to make room for McHugh if you must.
I would prefer a more legit SS, if your going to bust the budget bust it right, but at the end of the dsay the list remains the same, bullpen, SP, and SS. 

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