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2019 record


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Piggybacking on the Pecota thread, if the Angels had no important injuries (either little injury of any starter or lengthy injury of any supporting player (6,7, or 8 starter on the roster or bullpen lessers), what would you say their record should be this season?

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Here are a few possible outcomes:

The Optimistic, Rose-colored glasses (aka "The Chuck"): Everything clicks, Trout has his best year, the free agents all do well and are healthy, Kole returns to peak form, several major breakthroughs, including one of Harvey, Skaggs or Heaney becoming a surprise ace, etc. 90-95 wins, easy wild card.

The Middle range, non-commital (aka "Angelsjunky in a shifty mood"): A mixed bag: decent health and one or two breakthroughs, but also some disappointments. Overall solid year, though. 83-88 wins, at least wildcard contention into September but not quite making it.

Debbie Downer (aka "The Floplag"): Injuries, struggles, no real breakthroughs and some disappointments. .500 or below.

My money is on the high-end of middle range or low optimistic, so 87-90 wins.

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If they have no important injury, this team is really good (pushing 90 wins; maybe better imo - especially depending on what you think of "uninjured" Cahill and Harvey). The problem is, there will be important injuries. Realistically....I wanna say I'd put the over/under at 82 wins.

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56 minutes ago, Angelsjunky said:

Here are a few possible outcomes:

The Optimistic, Rose-colored glasses (aka "The Chuck"): Everything clicks, Trout has his best year, the free agents all do well and are healthy, Kole returns to peak form, several major breakthroughs, including one of Harvey, Skaggs or Heaney becoming a surprise ace, etc. 90-95 wins, easy wild card.

The Middle range, non-commital (aka "Angelsjunky in a shifty mood"): A mixed bag: decent health and one or two breakthroughs, but also some disappointments. Overall solid year, though. 83-88 wins, at least wildcard contention into September but not quite making it.

Debbie Downer (aka "The Floplag"): Injuries, struggles, no real breakthroughs and some disappointments. .500 or below.

My money is on the high-end of middle range or low optimistic, so 87-90 wins.

Cute, only thats not what ive predicted at any time.  Im on record as saying 85/86 and missing the WC buy about 3 games.  
My pessimism is that they didnt do more, not that they are going to be a sub 500 team. 

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2 hours ago, Angelsjunky said:

Here are a few possible outcomes:

The Optimistic, Rose-colored glasses (aka "The Chuck"): Everything clicks, Trout has his best year, the free agents all do well and are healthy, Kole returns to peak form, several major breakthroughs, including one of Harvey, Skaggs or Heaney becoming a surprise ace, etc. 90-95 wins, easy wild card.

The Middle range, non-commital (aka "Angelsjunky in a shifty mood"): A mixed bag: decent health and one or two breakthroughs, but also some disappointments. Overall solid year, though. 83-88 wins, at least wildcard contention into September but not quite making it.

Debbie Downer (aka "The Floplag"): Injuries, struggles, no real breakthroughs and some disappointments. .500 or below.

My money is on the high-end of middle range or low optimistic, so 87-90 wins.

Your middle range seems pretty optimistic to me

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If healthy, I think the Angels win 90 games. But I don't think they'll be healthy AND perform.

I'm thinking Harvey starts off really well, but then it all goes haywire around July, and come the second half of August he'll move into a long relief and set up role, which he'll thrive in, which will set him up heading back into free agency. Cahill remains a starter all the way, but I put his over/under at 130 innings quality innings.  I think Barria is going to be pretty mediocre. Skaggs and Heaney will have career years. Canning will be better than Barria, Suarez will be on par. Compared to last year, I'd say that the rotation ends up performing around the same as 2018, maybe a little better.

Offensively, Trout-Upton-Ohtani-Simmons is going to be even better than last year. But Kole will show the same inconsistencies, Cozart will provide next to nothing, and teams won't play Fletcher honestly. Ward is going to need to adjust to quality off speed pitching and I don't think it'll happen that fast for him. I don't Pujols or Bour do much of anything, and both will be replaced by Thaiss around the all-star break. La Stella ends up being simply ok, but both him and Fletcher are going to get leap-frogged by Rengifo, who won't be great but he'll be good enough. The offense will be a better than 2018.

The bullpen will end up being a huge strength in my opinion. I personally love the power arsenal he's assembled, and I really think the second half of the year, we'll see Middleton, Ramirez, Meyer and Almonte make big steps forward in health and performance. 

The end result, I think is going to be an 86 win team. But the A's are going to end up winning 84 games. I just don't think they have the pitching. They have plenty of young arms that will help them make a late season push, and they'll be more dangerous in 2020. But 2019, I don't think they're a playoff team. The Twins will win 86 games and the Rays will end up being an 88 win team.

So the Angels will be right square in the middle of the race, but will come up a couple games short. But going into 2020, Cozart will be shipped out or cut, Fletcher will move into a utility role, Adell will take over for Calhoun. Pujols will be gone. Ohtani will be back in the rotation, Marsh and Jones will be knocking on the door, the bullpen will be a very strong, extended unit, and the Angels are going to win 95 games and take the division. 

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Still to early for this thread. While the Angels may be done, in terms of roster changes, other AL clubs are probably not. The best deals at a swap meet are always in the last hour.

And there's still the injuries that can occur in spring training............

Hey, I get that this has been a boring off season for Angel maneuvers or AW topics of SUBSTANCE (excluding the effects of Angel heights, weights and girths, of course!). 

But the time to make predictions about records is in the final week of ST.  You will look the fool, if Trout or Simmons badly sprains an ankle on March 25th.

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1 hour ago, Second Base said:

If healthy, I think the Angels win 90 games. But I don't think they'll be healthy AND perform.

I'm thinking Harvey starts off really well, but then it all goes haywire around July, and come the second half of August he'll move into a long relief and set up role, which he'll thrive in, which will set him up heading back into free agency. Cahill remains a starter all the way, but I put his over/under at 130 innings quality innings.  I think Barria is going to be pretty mediocre. Skaggs and Heaney will have career years. Canning will be better than Barria, Suarez will be on par. Compared to last year, I'd say that the rotation ends up performing around the same as 2018, maybe a little better.

Offensively, Trout-Upton-Ohtani-Simmons is going to be even better than last year. But Kole will show the same inconsistencies, Cozart will provide next to nothing, and teams won't play Fletcher honestly. Ward is going to need to adjust to quality off speed pitching and I don't think it'll happen that fast for him. I don't Pujols or Bour do much of anything, and both will be replaced by Thaiss around the all-star break. La Stella ends up being simply ok, but both him and Fletcher are going to get leap-frogged by Rengifo, who won't be great but he'll be good enough. The offense will be a better than 2018.

The bullpen will end up being a huge strength in my opinion. I personally love the power arsenal he's assembled, and I really think the second half of the year, we'll see Middleton, Ramirez, Meyer and Almonte make big steps forward in health and performance. 

The end result, I think is going to be an 86 win team. But the A's are going to end up winning 84 games. I just don't think they have the pitching. They have plenty of young arms that will help them make a late season push, and they'll be more dangerous in 2020. But 2019, I don't think they're a playoff team. The Twins will win 86 games and the Rays will end up being an 88 win team.

So the Angels will be right square in the middle of the race, but will come up a couple games short. But going into 2020, Cozart will be shipped out or cut, Fletcher will move into a utility role, Adell will take over for Calhoun. Pujols will be gone. Ohtani will be back in the rotation, Marsh and Jones will be knocking on the door, the bullpen will be a very strong, extended unit, and the Angels are going to win 95 games and take the division. 

I agree with almost all of this. Good stuff.

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1 hour ago, Second Base said:

If healthy, I think the Angels win 90 games. But I don't think they'll be healthy AND perform.

I'm thinking Harvey starts off really well, but then it all goes haywire around July, and come the second half of August he'll move into a long relief and set up role, which he'll thrive in, which will set him up heading back into free agency. Cahill remains a starter all the way, but I put his over/under at 130 innings quality innings.  I think Barria is going to be pretty mediocre. Skaggs and Heaney will have career years. Canning will be better than Barria, Suarez will be on par. Compared to last year, I'd say that the rotation ends up performing around the same as 2018, maybe a little better.

Offensively, Trout-Upton-Ohtani-Simmons is going to be even better than last year. But Kole will show the same inconsistencies, Cozart will provide next to nothing, and teams won't play Fletcher honestly. Ward is going to need to adjust to quality off speed pitching and I don't think it'll happen that fast for him. I don't Pujols or Bour do much of anything, and both will be replaced by Thaiss around the all-star break. La Stella ends up being simply ok, but both him and Fletcher are going to get leap-frogged by Rengifo, who won't be great but he'll be good enough. The offense will be a better than 2018.

The bullpen will end up being a huge strength in my opinion. I personally love the power arsenal he's assembled, and I really think the second half of the year, we'll see Middleton, Ramirez, Meyer and Almonte make big steps forward in health and performance. 

The end result, I think is going to be an 86 win team. But the A's are going to end up winning 84 games. I just don't think they have the pitching. They have plenty of young arms that will help them make a late season push, and they'll be more dangerous in 2020. But 2019, I don't think they're a playoff team. The Twins will win 86 games and the Rays will end up being an 88 win team.

So the Angels will be right square in the middle of the race, but will come up a couple games short. But going into 2020, Cozart will be shipped out or cut, Fletcher will move into a utility role, Adell will take over for Calhoun. Pujols will be gone. Ohtani will be back in the rotation, Marsh and Jones will be knocking on the door, the bullpen will be a very strong, extended unit, and the Angels are going to win 95 games and take the division. 

nice post.  I think one of Harvey or Cahill will do well in 2019 and the other will fail miserably.   One of Skaggs and Heaney will break out.  I am hopeful that it's Skaggs.  It won't be a career year but he'll solidify himself as a solid #2 or fringy #1.  Heaney will still be solid but as a #3.  

one of Ward, Thaiss, Rengifo or Fletcher will do very well.  The rest will be as you said. If there's one prospect I am begging for to break out, it Ward.   

I like our pen.  Anderson breaks out.  John Curtiss surprises people and become a solid 6/7/8 guy.  Allen has a couple bad games but is otherwise really good.  His era at the end of the season won't show how good he was, but he'll get it done in the 9th.  

We'll be .500 at the deadline and trade Harvey, Allen, Calhoun and Cozart for more than we expected.  Lucroy will stay as he'll bring Suarez and Canning along.  We'll pine for him at the end of the year but we won't sign him.  

Adell will be a sept call up.  Rengifo will play everyday after the deadline and give .350 obp. 

We'll make a run in the second half for a change and end up winning the 2nd wild card with 90 wins.  We'll lose in the WC game to the Yankees and everyone will be pissed, but it will be the start.  

We'll get Ohtani back into the rotation for 2020 and add one of the top FA starters.  They'll play the service time game with Adell who will take the RF job in April 2020 at age 21.  

95 wins in 2020.  Trout will extend in the spring of 2020 before the season.  Simmons will extend this year.  Albert will retire after 2020.  We'll make a huge trade for either a 3bman or C before next season losing Marsh after his breakout year.  The rest of the farm will have appropriate years except for Knowles who will break out big time.  

WS in 2022.  20 years after the franchise first.  


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10 hours ago, Dochalo said:

nice post.  I think one of Harvey or Cahill will do well in 2019 and the other will fail miserably.   One of Skaggs and Heaney will break out.  I am hopeful that it's Skaggs.  It won't be a career year but he'll solidify himself as a solid #2 or fringy #1.  Heaney will still be solid but as a #3.  

one of Ward, Thaiss, Rengifo or Fletcher will do very well.  The rest will be as you said. If there's one prospect I am begging for to break out, it Ward.   

I like our pen.  Anderson breaks out.  John Curtiss surprises people and become a solid 6/7/8 guy.  Allen has a couple bad games but is otherwise really good.  His era at the end of the season won't show how good he was, but he'll get it done in the 9th.  

We'll be .500 at the deadline and trade Harvey, Allen, Calhoun and Cozart for more than we expected.  Lucroy will stay as he'll bring Suarez and Canning along.  We'll pine for him at the end of the year but we won't sign him.  

Adell will be a sept call up.  Rengifo will play everyday after the deadline and give .350 obp. 

We'll make a run in the second half for a change and end up winning the 2nd wild card with 90 wins.  We'll lose in the WC game to the Yankees and everyone will be pissed, but it will be the start.  

We'll get Ohtani back into the rotation for 2020 and add one of the top FA starters.  They'll play the service time game with Adell who will take the RF job in April 2020 at age 21.  

95 wins in 2020.  Trout will extend in the spring of 2020 before the season.  Simmons will extend this year.  Albert will retire after 2020.  We'll make a huge trade for either a 3bman or C before next season losing Marsh after his breakout year.  The rest of the farm will have appropriate years except for Knowles who will break out big time.  

WS in 2022.  20 years after the franchise first.  


I'm thinking Trout's extension timeline will be a little different.  With the team only winning 86 games and missing out on the playoffs again, I don't think he'll sign one next offseason, but he'll still definitely be interested.  With the brutal state of how free agency has gone for Harper and Machado, as well as the looming negotiations for the next CBT, he and his agent will definitely be listening to what the Angels are thinking. 

But I think during the 2020 season, he'll see all the young talent impacting the team, he'll see the Angels in the driver's seat for the division, and how it appears to be the beginning of an extended run success, and he'll grow weary of all the questions and attention about his looming free agency that he just doesn't want, and he'll end up signing within the 10 day negotiating window after the 2020 season, but before free agency. 

As for the rest of it, seems plausible.  I think the only one I don't see happening is the Angels offloading all that at the trade deadline.  Harvey and Allen, maybe.  But if Cozart is as bad as I anticipate him being, no one will want him or his contract.  And decent outfielders are a dime a dozen, and it's not the easiest case to even classify Calhoun as decent based on how he's hit the past two seasons.  I don't think anyone will want his bat or the money owed to him. 

But 2019's impact on 2020 and beyond can't be understated though.  Guys like Thaiss, Ward, Rengifo, Fletcher, Adell, Marsh, Canning and Suarez will change the landscape of this franchise. 

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