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Daft Punk

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If you don't like Daft Punk I can see you not liking this song. I went to their Alive tour years back and it was one of the most amazing experiences I've had. And I'm not really into the whole Electronic/Techno thing but I enjoy Daft Punk and I like this song.

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Only "electronic" music I like would be NIN.  The rest of it is total crap.  That includes Radiohead.


I really really really really like all of Radiohead's stuff up to and including OK Computer.


The rest of their catalog can catch fire, as far as I'm concerned.

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I can tolerate most music.  I have to pick and choose NIN, Killers, Radiohead, Linkin Park, and R&B/Rap.  I like these songs that have some live guitar or other strings in em.

I grew-up on punk and have learned to love some country now... Went from loud guitar chords to acoustic to country.  I try to appreciate music that other people like, but I probly won't start collecting Daft Punk.

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"i'm up all night to get lucky"


those are the kind of lyrics that really open up a man's soul to bare to the rest of the world. it's like reading tolstoy or listening to a bach fugue.


i'm a better man for having listened to that gigantic turd of a video. thank you, rally and nate.

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I really like the track. It's catchy and dancey. I strangely never really got into Daft Punk being that their first album, Homework, is probably a top 10 all time for me.

They revolutionalized the electronic music scene in the 90's.

As for the whole electronic music or anything with a computer isn't real music, I'll pass. As a former bass player/musician I say it is. I stated my opinion a long time ago.

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