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All joking aside, everyone knows I like the stats quote Fangraphs and such. But all of that is secondary to the kind of heart and fire that you see in this video. That heart and fire is what wins ball games, what brings a team together. I hope the Angels can find that.


In 2002, the day the Angels clinched a playoff berth, they let camera's into the locker room and broadcast Scioscia's speech to the team. It wasn't about inches, it was about rungs on a ladder. It was the only time I ever heard that kind of emotion from Scioscia, and it was eerily similar to the Al Pacino speech above.

I also remember him crescendoing the speech and then yelling to the guy on the radio "Now turn that ****in' shit UP!" at which time the celebration started in earnest (and FSW quickly cut away)

I wish I had recorded that, but I'm sure it's either sitting in a vault somewhere or someone still has it on tape. It was an awesome speech.


Following up on my previous comment, does anyone have footage of that anywhere? I would be eternally grateful to watch that moment again. The DVD's of that season don't have it on them, at least I don't think they do.

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