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Time to fly the flag...

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Look on the bright side, they're still 4-2 in August for a .667 winning percentage. I did say that they needed to have a good August to keep their WC hopes alive. So far, so good, even with the tough loss yesterday. But they will need guys  like Pujols and Calhoun to do something, anything, this month to continue on having a good month. Especially Pujols, ever since I praised him for having a great first game in August, he is back to hitting like Brandon Wood again.

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1 hour ago, zenmaster said:

I was hesitant  to give up but after yesterday's melt down I see no hope for the team this year to contend for a WC spot. Let's get some young guys some playing time and prepare for next year.


We are playing our young guy (singular), he just has a tight groin, so Sosh is being cautious with him.  By the way, if we were having this season and we had major league ready prospects being held back by these guys I'd completely agree with you.

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What the benefit to it when we are 3 out with 40 to play and a favorable comparative schedule?  Its not like we have all these AAA guys knocking the door down that arent already here.  What are we going to learn in that time by throwing it away? 
What we need to do is have the Front Office match the on field effort and get some damned help!  The bullpen has pulled miracles this season but those guys are obvious out of gas or close to it.
Why did the FO weaken the bullpen for a nothing that will likely never see the bigs?  ill never understand that move if i live to be 100.  
I dont get giving up right now at all, sorry i just dont.    

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11 minutes ago, Angel Oracle said:

It is a shock that the Halos are still only 3 back in the 2nd WC race.

But unless a reliever is found to help ease the overuse of the pen, this isn't going to having a happy ending.   Is there another Blake Parker out there to surprise the AL, who wouldn't cost any key prospects?

I hear you can get David Hernandez for cheap. 

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Not making the one game playoff basically means nothing.  There are plenty of reasons to follow the team other then hoping they win a pointless wild card berth.  We've got a bunch of players to watch and depending what happens with them is huge for next year, when we may actually have a chance to do some damage.  Unlike this year, which imo is and has been a lost cause for a while.  

I'm just hoping that Cowart establishes himself as regular here down the stretch.  That development would be such a massive break for the Angels.  Also would be huge if we could get some glimmer of hope for our injury shattered rotation. 

Edited by UndertheHalo
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12 minutes ago, UndertheHalo said:

Not making the one game playoff basically means nothing.  There are plenty of reasons to follow the team other then hoping they win a pointless wild card berth.  We've got a bunch of players to watch and depending what happens with them is huge for next year, when we may actually have a chance to do some damage.  Unlike this year, which imo is and has been a lost cause for a while.  

I'm just hoping that Cowart establishes himself as regular here down the stretch.  That development would be such a massive break for the Angels.  Also would be huge if we could get some glimmer of hope for our injury shattered rotation. 


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10 minutes ago, UndertheHalo said:

Not making the one game playoff basically means nothing.  There are plenty of reasons to follow the team other then hoping they win a pointless wild card berth.  We've got a bunch of players to watch and depending what happens with them is huge for next year, when we may actually have a chance to do some damage.  Unlike this year, which imo is and has been a lost cause for a while.  

I'm just hoping that Cowart establishes himself as regular here down the stretch.  That development would be such a massive break for the Angels.  Also would be huge if we could get some glimmer of hope for our injury shattered rotation. 

We cant make the post without making that one game, so yes, it means something.   I dont understand discounting it in this way.  The wildcard can win it all, we know that more than most, but you have to get there.  

We are closer now than we have been in recent weeks, i dont get how we have been a lost cause for a while.  IDK i guess the front office agrees with you so who knows. 

As for the rest i agree.

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11 minutes ago, stormngt said:

I can't help but keep dwelling that we were three massive meltdowns by Norris  away from being tied for the wild card.  And that all happened in about a ten game period.

Well if we are going to play that game then we would still be one game out because this would also mean Seattle shouldn't/wouldn't have blown that game to us earlier in the year.

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1 hour ago, stormngt said:

I can't help but keep dwelling that we were three massive meltdowns by Norris  away from being tied for the wild card.  And that all happened in about a ten game period.

Yeah... those 3 shoulda won games and were already there and people want to give up?  Sure it goes both ways weve come back a few too but those were just horrific

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2 hours ago, Stradling said:

Well if we are going to play that game then we would still be one game out because this would also mean Seattle shouldn't/wouldn't have blown that game to us earlier in the year.

I disagree with that premise.  One teams comeback has no relationship to that same teams comeback.  Fact we did beat Seattle in that game doesn't mean we were guaranteed to lose one of those games back.  If that was the case sport results would rests on fate and not individual competition.

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2 hours ago, AngelStew43 said:

Best arms need to close games.  Best arms in the pen are Bedrosian, Middleton, Parker and Paredes.  Time for Mike to wake up.

After all the cap this board has said about how best relievers should be used in most critical time.  

Hipocrisy is a beautiful thing.....

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1 hour ago, stormngt said:

I disagree with that premise.  One teams comeback has no relationship to that same teams comeback.  Fact we did beat Seattle in that game doesn't mean we were guaranteed to lose one of those games back.  If that was the case sport results would rests on fate and not individual competition.

Well if we shouldn't have lost those games, then we shouldn't have won the other game.  

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1 minute ago, Stradling said:

Well if we shouldn't have lost those games, then we shouldn't have won the other game.  

Like I said what happened in Seattle has nothing to do with what happened in Cleveland,  Toronto,  and Sunday v. Oakland.  There isn't equality in baseball.   Teams are not guaranteed the same amount of lucky wins as bad luck losses.

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I apologize, you are right.  The pitching staff has lost all ability to keep the ball in the yard.
I tuned in late tonight just in time to see the ball leave the yard for another fucking grand slam and my hope went with it.  
Team is out of miracles and the front office doesnt care as long as Trout keep being Trout. 
not good enough for me to be the LA Trouts so... someone else can have my seat on the hope train, mine just died.

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14 minutes ago, floplag said:

I apologize, you are right.  The pitching staff has lost all ability to keep the ball in the yard.
I tuned in late tonight just in time to see the ball leave the yard for another fucking grand slam and my hope went with it.  
Team is out of miracles and the front office doesnt care as long as Trout keep being Trout. 
not good enough for me to be the LA Trouts so... someone else can have my seat on the hope train, mine just died.

Of course the front office cares, but they have very few pieces to trade and while rentals don't have a high price tag, long term types at the deadline have an extremely high price.

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