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The Big Business Candidate

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Donations to them is like taking taking candy from a baby.  The Washington Post reminds us of the Clintons close affiliations to the Wall street crowd.  No surprise there.   During her tenure of Sec. of State, countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation wound up with contracts for weapons of war, countries that have human rights issues.   "The Clinton foundaion" knows the game of extortion".  Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so.  links are available.

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If Corporate America is backing Hillary, that tells you how insane the Republicans are.


or it tells me how crooked the corporations are and that they think they'll be able to maintain their way of life with her in the white house.

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There's no denying that Hillary is a corporatist. Obama went that way too.


No matter Hillary's rhetoric, this is the real difference between her and Bernie Sanders.


I was thinking that Sanders might try to explain the difference during the debate.


Maybe I missed it.

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Big business is usually more liberal. They want big government to protect them from competition. Big business writes big government's rules. It's been that way since the thirties at least and the ultimate expression of this tendency is fascism, which is corporations doing the bidding of government. Small businesses tend to be more conservative. 

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You must have missed the part where he basically said he isn't bought and paid in his campaign by big business. He is funded by the people.


Ok Sanders is funded by the people.


Clinton can make the same claim, 99% of her contributions have come from individuals.  At least according to this: http://www.fec.gov/disclosurep/pnational.do


The difference is Clinton gets big contributions from wealthy elites, and Sanders gets relatively modest donations.

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Before that, he was a principled man.


I think he still is, but he's had to make serious compromises and has cow-towed to banks and such. I don't know exactly why he made his reversal, but I guess he thought he couldn't win the election without big money. Obama's biggest problem has been a Congress stuck in the middle ages that will disagree with him on principle.

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No, his biggest problem is he became exactly what he complained that Bush was.


Increased the size, scope, power and deceitfulness of the federal government?   Check

Fought to protect and even strengthen the Patriot Act?  Check

Became the least transparent presidency in american history?   Check

Became an enemy of the press and had fits when portrayed negatively?  Check

Increased our activity in the middle east while claiming to have "brought the troops home"?  Check

Went after whistle blowers who shed light on the U.S. spying on their own citizens?  Check.





















That isn't all, my fingers are just tired.

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No, his biggest problem is he became exactly what he complained that Bush was.


Increased the size, scope, power and deceitfulness of the federal government?   Check

Fought to protect and even strengthen the Patriot Act?  Check

Became the least transparent presidency in american history?   Check

Became an enemy of the press and had fits when portrayed negatively?  Check

Increased our activity in the middle east while claiming to have "brought the troops home"?  Check

Went after whistle blowers who shed light on the U.S. spying on their own citizens?  Check.





















That isn't all, my fingers are just tired.

MT, you have said before I am an Obama homer but that is not true, he sucks.  My argument is always he sucks and so do they all and I fight the cons because you could elect Obama II if he where a GOP candidate and they would be happy as sunshine up their asses.  I am not sure in our lifetimes we will really ever see a good POTUS. Too many people tugging at the strings when they get in there leaving us simple folk in the dust. 

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