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Weaver appreciation thread

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Everyone shat on his velocity. Nobody wanted him to come back from the DL.

Guy has pitched pretty well. He deserves some love, even if the BIG14 doesn't have faith in him.


It isn't that the BIG14 didn't have confidence in him, he's been too good and we can't afford him to go back on the DL.  There is no one ready beyond Tropeano to come up if another pitcher (especially Weaver goes down to injury).  If the playoffs are made, we need him to have any glimmer of hope, so he has to go the distance this year, whatever the distance turns out to be.  He's been solid since coming off the DL.


Santiago and Heaney are also beyond their normal limits for a season, and there are still 42 games left, that's still eight more regular season starts for Weaver, Santiago and Heaney.  That's scary!

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Well his fb was slow enough that Victor called it an off speed pitch.....


I'd like to see him pitch 5 more years, just because I want to know how slow a pitcher can throw and still effectively remain in major league baseball.  If it gets to 40 mph, I may go to Spring Training and try out.

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Always been a huge fan of Weaver. Although his velocity has been way down this year, I thought much of his bad outings had to do with his command, which has always been exemplary. Tonight we saw just how effective he can still be when he mixes his pitches and his command is pinpoint.

Call me crazy but I still would rather see him pitch in a playoffs over just about anyone else on our staff, except maybe Richards, depending how he's pitching going into October. Jered just seems to up his game in the postseason. And with his heart, I know he'd leave it all out there on that field.

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Always been a huge fan of Weaver. Although his velocity has been way down this year, I thought much of his bad outings had to do with his command, which has always been exemplary. Tonight we saw just how effective he can still be when he mixes his pitches and his command is pinpoint.

Call me crazy but I still would rather see him pitch in a playoffs over just about anyone else on our staff, except maybe Richards, depending how he's pitching going into October. Jered just seems to up his game in the postseason. And with his heart, I know he'd leave it all out there on that field.

yeah, it doesnt make sense, but i agree. One thing everyone in baseball agrees on regarding weaver is that hes a bulldog. What he lacks in stuff he closes the gap in mental toughness. Hes not afraid to throw any pitch to any hitter.

May not work out, but hes the photo negative of cj wilson

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