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22-23 since Jerry quit.


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Its never good to keep the same manager around too long. The players need something NEW.

Yes, it's time for a change, but no these players don't "need something new". The core of this team isn't performing poorly because Scioscia has become stale to them. The core has only been here a few years. It's not like Iannetta or Weaver or Shoe (today) are performing poorly because Scioscia is no longer getting through to them. They all are performing poorly for a variety of reasons, most importantly is they are either not that good or in serious decline.

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This team is very poorly constructed. We are also paying the price for a poor farm system, poor international scouting, and very poor depth. It was a big gamble to sign Hamilton, Pujols and Wilson (to a lessor extent), and it backfired. Now we pay the price. An extra $50M per year would have bought a lot of depth. Scioscia and the coaches will likely not be retained, but that is a bit unfair, they've had crap to work with. Dipoto has little positive legacy as far as I'm concerned, but he did open our eyes to something new as an approach. The upcoming hires will be critical for not so much the short run, but for the long term future of the team. And don't forget, we still have stadium issues. It's all up to Arte now.

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Dipstick left because he knew that he put together a team full of holes. I have zero respect for the dude. I'm sure the key players feel the same way.

this is not an unfair point. People make up junk about Scoscia and Arte. If those sentiments are valid this one is equally so. It's super lame how he just quit.

Also, like DMVol said .500 was about what we played when he was here. Seeming more and more like this might just be what this years team is. Hopefully that's wrong.

Edited by UndertheHalo
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Its never good to keep the same manager around too long. The players need something NEW.


That would truly be deep thinking if it weren't for the fact players change teams more than managers. This season alone we have seen how many new players on the roster? The longest tenured fielder is Erick Aybar. The longest tenured pitcher is Weaver and he is toast.


Free agency has made 5-6 year players out of most rosters if they came up from within the organization but if you look we have all of three guys in the field that fit that description.


You replace a manager when he becomes ineffective. There is no sell by date, some managers go for decades, some burn out their welcome in a couple years.


That said, it is time for the entire coaching staff to be replaced.

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It was a horrid decision for Scioscia and the players to turn their backs on Jerry. Look at them now, they are facing the repercussions of their act. I knew the ramifications of that dark day of getting Jerry fired. The team morale and integrity were shattered. Our captain and leader is gone. Arte has his work cut out for him in the future to find a way to resolve this black cloud and build this organization back up. To many egos have corrupted this environment it's time for some changes and some new blood to build off to a fresh start.

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It was a horrid decision for Scioscia and the players to turn their backs on Jerry. Look at them now, they are facing the repercussions of their act. I knew the ramifications of that dark day of getting Jerry fired. The team morale and integrity were shattered. Our captain and leader is gone. Arte has his work cut out for him in the future to find a way to resolve this black cloud and build this organization back up. To many egos have corrupted this environment it's time for some changes and some new blood to build off to a fresh start.

The GM is not the captain/leader of the club house, DiPotos departure has nothing to do with the "morale and integrity" of the team. How do you explain them immediately going on their 17-3 tear after he QUIT. Your theory kinda flys out the window doesn't it ? His departure is a non factor with regard to on the field performance. The GM builds the roster among other operations. You keep insisting that Jerry was fired. You are completely wrong on every point.

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I can get with the concept that the team needs a fresh start in terms of the coaching staff. I also wholly appreciate that new GM may want his own guy as a manager. That said, it is ridiculous to mark up every team failure up to Scoscia and his staff. This is a flawed roster. This core of players has more or less been extremely hot and cold since 2012. They attempted to address that with Hamilton, an effort that failed unfortunately. They also tried with Joyce and Ibanez....also failures. That's not on Mike Scoscia. This teams problem is not leadership or character, it's a lack of balanced hitting talent. Maybe the loss of Kendrick has made all the difference.... I don't think anyone really anticipated it would be this huge of an impact. In any case if there's anything to bitch about it's a poorly constructed roster and that's on the front office. Don't get me wrong, I don't wholly blame DiPoto. There's only so much that can be done when you inherit a team that lacks development depth and is saddled by terrible old contracts. A lot of this is the miserable failure that was the Reagins era finally coming to make us pay. Personally I'm optimistic that a lot of these woes can be mitigated with a few good FA signings and a smart dedicated approach to development. I think DiPoto and Servais at least had us on the right path with regard to that which is why I would like to see an in house GM replace DiPoto. <end of rant>

Edited by UndertheHalo
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To be fair, we will need all those arms. I have no problem with the conservative stance he had at the deadline. And I hated stoneman as much as anyone for never trading.

Except he stockpiled the farm with lots of traceable arms then Stoneman sat on them instead of filling said holes. Your schtick is ****ing old dude

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To be fair, we will need all those arms. I have no problem with the conservative stance he had at the deadline. And I hated stoneman as much as anyone for never trading.



Considering the uncertainty of the futures of Jered Weaver, C. J. Wilson and to a lesser extent Matt Shoemaker, trading young arms for a rented bat would have been an epically bad idea.

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The record after Jerry quit is not important.  This team was basically constructed in March and April, and until Stoneman became the interim GM hardly any changes occurred.  The most significant one being dropping Hamilton, which never affected on field performance because he never played for us this year.  What we have now is a reflection of the plan that was put in place over the off season, and it was fundamentally flawed.  Everyone is to blame for that from the owner through to each player, and the coaching staff to the baseball operations people including Dipoto, who jumped ship.

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