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Marlins (Dodgers?) In the Desert!

Broad Street

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Sorry guys,

I know they aren't playing for the Angels, but I just have to say the Marlins are awesome for sending a couple players out to the desert to hang with the troops. Did you know the Marlins have cheerleaders too?! Anyways, got to meet Preston Wilson, who I didn't realize was still playing, Justin Bour, and Chris Hatcher, who was just traded to the Dodgers in the Dee Gordon/Howie Kendrick trade earlier. (See how I tied it all in to the Angels?!) I asked Hatcher how it felt to be a Dodger, and he said he was just told when he got off the plane a few hours ago, so he hasn't really been able to soak it in. That's all I got for insider news, I'm drunk off of 3 drinks (been up 26 hours), and I'm going to bed! Cheers!

P.S.---How do I upload pictures onto here?!

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Sorry guys,

I know they aren't playing for the Angels, but I just have to say the Marlins are awesome for sending a couple players out to the desert to hang with the troops. Did you know the Marlins have cheerleaders too?! Anyways, got to meet Preston Wilson, who I didn't realize was still playing, Justin Bour, and Chris Hatcher, who was just traded to the Dodgers in the Dee Gordon/Howie Kendrick trade earlier. (See how I tied it all in to the Angels?!) I asked Hatcher how it felt to be a Dodger, and he said he was just told when he got off the plane a few hours ago, so he hasn't really been able to soak it in. That's all I got for insider news, I'm drunk off of 3 drinks (been up 26 hours), and I'm going to bed! Cheers!

P.S.---How do I upload pictures onto here?!


Where in the desert?

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