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Pujols Line Today

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Here's his triple-slash for today: 1.000/1.000/4.000 in 5 PA.


Nice day.


Here's another fact which, in my mind, bodes well: Albert didn't have 2 HR until May 16th last year - his 37th game played. If he's gotten over the starting slow bug then we might see, if not vintage .330/1.050 Pujols, a very good .300/.950 Pujols.

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Pujols looks more relaxed this year. Last April there was too much pressure placed on him.

Now Hamilton looks like 2012 Pujols. 


At least we saw some life from Trumbo, I was getting very worried with his apparent lack of power. Hopefully he keeps it going. Also, against lefty's we really should have Trumbo bat 4th. This walk Pujols to get to Hamilton trend is simply absurd.

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They were both no doubters. I don't know what it looked like on TV but the first one, was crushed and the center fielder didn't even move. The second one was a line drive that only had to stay high enough which it did. If Hamilton does his job today it would have been a blow out.

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They were both no doubters. I don't know what it looked like on TV but the first one, was crushed and the center fielder didn't even move. The second one was a line drive that only had to stay high enough which it did. If Hamilton does his job today it would have been a blow out.


Pujols didn't move either. You can usually tell when it's going to be out of the park because he stands and admires/stares at his masterwork for a good few seconds before he starts his home run trot.

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I thought Pujols got under the first one. That thing carried a very long ways until the fat mullet kid grabbed it and threw it back.

The second one was just crushed and flew off the bat. It got out in a hurry.

I'm not worried about him. He pressed last year after signing one of the biggest sports contracts ever and wanted to live up to expectations. Hamilton looks to be doing the same.

But the main thing was Pujols AB's. When he is fighting like that in the box he is on his game. Great game today.

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Knew it as soon as he hit'em. 


Pujols looked great in the box today.


It maybe took a season and a couple games, but I think he's finally getting comfortable. 

Ha ha. I was cautiously optimistic. Last year there were a few times I thought they were no doubters only to be doubles. 


It was good though to see Pujols smile after the first one once he got back to the dugout. I think he was relieved not to have to listen to the BS like last year. 

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Agreed Brandon...  Pujols in the zone early in the season is a great thing.  I'm not too worried about him, think he's gonna settle in and do fine just like he did down the stretch and that means great things for this lineup.


Hamilton does need to chill out and stop pressing, though.  With his talent, it shouldn't take too long for him to start killin it as long as he doesn't get all geeked up to live up to that contract.  


We need this offense to be able to generate points against the aces that you'll see in the playoffs.  So hopefully tomorrow they'll start to demonstrate that against Darvish and give Weave some support.

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