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Toyota to move jobs and marketing headquarters from Torrance to Texas

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Frank Scotto, Torrance's mayor, said he had no warning of Toyota's decision. He said he did know that the automaker planned a corporate announcement for Monday.
"When any major corporation is courted by another state, it's very difficult to combat that," Scotto said. "We don't have the tools we need to keep major corporations here."
The mayor said businesses bear higher costs in California for workers' compensation and liability insurance, among other expenses.
"A company can easily see where it would benefit by relocating someplace else," Scotto said.
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Yep, this has been happening at an increased rate in CA.  The state is very far in the red already and pretty soon wont produce anything other than produce.  One of the main reasons we moved away.


As long as the drought continues, not much of that will be happening either. 

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The last part of the article explained many of the real reasons for the move and not just California is terrible.  Toyota did some stupid things recently and they are doing a complete re-org which then the move makes sense. Depending on how many of the people involved they offer the re-lo to or who just does not want to go because of ties there the ones who do move on will not be hurting. 

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The last part of the article explained many of the real reasons for the move and not just California is terrible.  Toyota did some stupid things recently and they are doing a complete re-org which then the move makes sense. Depending on how many of the people involved they offer the re-lo to or who just does not want to go because of ties there the ones who do move on will not be hurting. 


Not really. 


This has very little to do with the recalls.  California ran off the automotive manufacturing plants in the first place, so it only makes sense for the management folks to move with them. 

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It Makes Sense For Toyota To Leave California For Texas


California has become infamous with business executives and owners there not only for high tax rates and complex taxing schemes but also for overzealous regulations and regulators that have managed to stifle the entrepreneurial energy of thousands of companies.


Bestplaces.net said that the cost of living for employees is 39 percent higher in Torrance than in Plano, and housing costs are 63 percent lower in Plano.



As the article stated, Tech in Silicon Valley is the only thing doing well.  And even that, Austin, TX is pulling it's share of businesses away.  


And the first quote.  Siracha anybody?

Edited by gotbeer
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Been happening for awhile. The entertainment industry has been locating everything but the studios out of CA, and even then they are shooting out of state. Not even just the difference in taxes, etc. but the states taking them in are giving them large breaks to conduct business there.

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And California voters will continue to re-elect the same turds that keep digging the hole. I don't ever see it getting better here.


I don't disagree but the same thing happens at the federal level.  Even when someone 'new' gets elected it's an R or D who does the same crap as his or her predecessor.    


If it wasn't for family and great weather I'd consider moving out of CA but Texas would not be on my list of destinations.  In December they had areas where roads were completely iced over, then they get to deal with Hurricanes and extreme heat.  No doubt your money goes further and you can get a real nice house but I'm not interested in living somewhere that's too hot and humid to go outside part of the year.  

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