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Josh Hamilton surprises Brian Kenny on MLB Network


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This was hilarious.

I wonder if Kenny's list would've included Hamilton had he known Josh was going to be there that day.

Hamilton should have a solid rebound. I think it's fair to assume he'll have a .780-.800 OPS. Anything more than that would be fantastic.

Edited by Angels_Baseball
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I've got to be honest.  I may not have voiced it, but I was mentally done with Josh.  I viewed him as a 'holier than thou', 'i'm better than you', 'I don't give a shit what you say' kind of guy. 


Although it was probably the case all along yet we never got to actually see it, he seems to have taken last year's failures and the response to it very personally.  He didn't have to increase his media exposure and take it on the chin.  He's got his contract and he could have stayed in his big house with his mounds of cash and further distanced himself from the fans. 


He didn't, and everything I have seen from him this off season has actually made me like him more now that I did when we first signed him.  He's manned up, and as a fan I appreciate that.  Kudos Josh. 

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This was hilarious.

I wonder if Kenny's list would've included Hamilton had he known Josh was going to be there that day.

Hamilton should have a solid rebound. I think it's fair to assume he'll have a .780-.800 OPS. Anything more than that would be fantastic.

the thing about Josh is that he's an unbelievable talent with his only obstacle being himself. 


the guy sat out for three seasons.  never got a major league appearance, picked up a bat, and threw out a 900+ ops for half a season and became an mvp candidate. 


if anyone can flip the switch...............

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the thing about Josh is that he's an unbelievable talent with his only obstacle being himself.

the guy sat out for three seasons. never got a major league appearance, picked up a bat, and threw out a 900+ ops for half a season and became an mvp candidate.

if anyone can flip the switch...............

Yeah I think projecting Josh is a whole different case than most players.

The inconsistencies with him and the times where he looks like he's just swinging for the hell of it make for a very complicated player.

I still think he'll produce above league average the next few years but I wouldn't be surprised by anything at this point.

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I'm pretty optimistic on Hamilton, especially because of the way he caught fire later in the season after watching old film from previous seasons. I think he puts up an OPS somewhere between .850-.900

I would be ecstatic if he put up that high of an OPS.

The biggest question mark going into the season is how will he do against lefties? His lifetime splits against them are pretty solid but last year was a train wreck for him.

We'll find out in the first few months of the season.

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I think they're trying to make Josh Hamilton as comfortable as possible by moving him back to left field. His lifetime splits when he plays left field shows a lifetime batting average of .326 to go along with a .973ops.


This season is going to tell us a lot about Josh Hamilton.  



A .973 OPS from Hamilton this year and we're pretty much in the playoffs. 

Edited by fan_since79
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