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Randal Grichuk


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Pull happy is problematic when a player Ks a lot.   His 17% K rate in AA isn't an eyesore... it's right in line with Lindsey's and lower than what Trout posted in AA, albeit, he's older than Trout was.


There was exactly ONE player the same age or younger than Grichuk who hit more HRs than he did..  Domingo Santana of Houston, who at 20 years old hit 25 Hrs and struck out 139 times in 112 games (29.2%), in one of the Texas League's launching pads.  


I do agree the Walk rate needs to get better, but he's still very young and there time for him to improve.


It could also be partly responsible for his lower than average BABIP. Popping balls up and hitting weak grounders instead of driving the ball the other way. I have more confidence that he will fix that over time than I am in him gaining a better eye at the plate/being more patient.

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It could also be partly responsible for his lower than average BABIP. Popping balls up and hitting weak grounders instead of driving the ball the other way. I have more confidence that he will fix that over time than I am in him gaining a better eye at the plate/being more patient.



His LD% was the highest in his career over a full season at 16.4%, the league average was 17.1%.  His GB% was 39.5% down from 46.4% in Rookie ball and up 1% from last year in High A -- the league average was 45%, so he's not putting the ball on the ground a lot..   His FB% was 33.6%, above the league average of 27,%    His Swinging K's and looking K's were both below the league average.  So, he's not swinging and missing more than the norm, and he wasn't taking when he should be swinging -- both signs that he may have better pitch recognition than on average and typically positive predictors in the walk rate area --  again we need to consider he was two years younger that the league optimal age.


Here's a link to his rates in those area for his career.  http://statcorner.com/bat.php?id=545341.  

Edited by Inside Pitch
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Like those numbers. Thanks IP.






Ha, I figured you would enjoy that site.  They do a tremendous job of tracking some of those metrics that help form a picture of what we may be missing from the regular slash lines and the sort.   The fact that they track park indexes and grade out for league averages is a tremendous insight for us.

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I can agree with you on strength and weaknesses in his game but we can disagree that he will be able to improve his weaknesses enough to be an everyday ML OFer. I just see him being able to do enough to be a backup and you see him being able to improve enough to be an everyday player. it is near impossible to predict what happens with these prospects, I hope your prediction is more inline with how it plays out.  


I agree.

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