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My wife asked me this. Seriously.


"If conjoined twins go to bobble head night, do they get one bobble head or two?"


Yes they should get a special one from the Angels called a dobble head.


I'm sure they would give them two. They are two completely different people. They just happen to be stuck together. I think the rule for giving out bobbleheads is that, as long as they have two heads and two brains, then that means they are two separate people and should get two bobbleheads. I'm not 100% sure about this, but it seems like it would make sense. It would be interesting to see the policy of the different organizations throughout the league on the disbursement of bobbleheads to conjoined twins. I guarantee that in Minnesota they would give them two.


It would be interesting to see the policy of the different organizations throughout the league on the disbursement of bobbleheads to conjoined twins. I guarantee that in Minnesota they would give them two.


Has anybody ever told you that you think too much?


My wife asked me this. Seriously.

"If conjoined twins go to bobble head night, do they get one bobble head or two?"

Your wife seems very interesting. Does she have a newsletter that we can subscribe to?

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