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Didn't read the entire thing, but did see this about a conversation he had with friends:


“Maaannnnn I heard he hit a home run off a 0-2 Jimmy Van Dyke curveball in the dirt. And you know how nasty Jimmy’s deuce is. The pitch ****in’ bounced, and Trout still hit it 400 feet. He’s definitely juicin’.”


I'm just wondering if that's the reputation he had in high school.


Thank you for posting. What a fun read. Totally brought back memories of pitching when I was younger..


My fondest memory was a 7 inning no-hitter, complete game shutout. My coaches were two older attractive ladies and they carried my skinny ass off the field from the pitchers mound. This was after throwing my warm ups earlier that evening and feeling famished (didn't eat breakfast/lunch or anything that day for some reason). I called my coach to the mound, she motioned to the other coach to run to the snack bar and get me a jumbo size Snickers bar.


I consumed that thing under 30 seconds and after a quick walk around the mound and visit from the umpire, I was good to go ... and throw a no-hitter.


I tried this the next time I pitched and it didn't work out very well. 


Chuck, you should forward that to someone in the FO and have them give it to Trout.

Bet he remembers that guy and being hit.

I mean what was it.. 3 years ago?



I was a catcher, who would sometimes be called upon for mop-up when all of our pitchers had been hammered and it was 10-0 or something. Got to plunk a guy I knew from Boy Scouts who went to a different HS.

High point of my pitching career.


Thanks so much for the kind words on my story everybody. For those of you asking if Trout knows or remembers me, I'm not exactly sure, but a few months ago Kevin Baxter of the LA Times wrote an article on Trout and how he's changed so many lives in NJ. Somehow Baxter got a hold of my article and included me in it. So who knows if Trout actually read it or not (my story or the LA Times one,) but I'm guessing he's heard of me. Haha.

Here's a link to the article in the Times if you're interested: articles.latimes.com/2013/feb/08/sports/la-sp-0210-side-of-trout-20130210

And once again guys, thanks so much for all your kind words, can't explain how much I appreciate it.


Chuck, you should forward that to someone in the FO and have them give it to Trout.

Bet he remembers that guy and being hit.

I mean what was it.. 3 years ago?



I'll send it to Tim Mead and Trout's mom. 


Thanks so much for the kind words on my story everybody. For those of you asking if Trout knows or remembers me, I'm not exactly sure, but a few months ago Kevin Baxter of the LA Times wrote an article on Trout and how he's changed so many lives in NJ. Somehow Baxter got a hold of my article and included me in it. So who knows if Trout actually read it or not (my story or the LA Times one,) but I'm guessing he's heard of me. Haha.

Here's a link to the article in the Times if you're interested: articles.latimes.com/2013/feb/08/sports/la-sp-0210-side-of-trout-20130210

And once again guys, thanks so much for all your kind words, can't explain how much I appreciate it.


Yeah man, thanks for sharing that story. Good writing and story telling skills. I forwarded this link on to a couple people who may know Trout.  ;)

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