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Will the Angels make the playoffs in 2021?


Will the Angels make the playoffs in 2021?  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. Will the Angels make the playoffs in 2021?

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  • Poll closed on 04/02/2021 at 05:41 AM

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I voted no, just really don’t have much  confidence that the current group is anything improved enough to elevate us from the last 5 sub .500 seasons into a playoff team, though it wouldn’t surprise me if we did make it.  The rotation to me doesn’t have near the upside of the A’s and Astros to me, I expect Bundy to regress from last year, Heaney to be typical Heaney, no expectations from Ohtani, and the guys we got to be nothing more than depth.  The bullpen becomes very thin if Iglesias doesn’t pan out, or Mayers regresses from last season.  Iglesias is a downgrade over Simmons, though not a significant one, and I don’t expect anything above replacement level production out of right field.  Ward and Walsh continuing their late season hot streaks remains to be seen, as does how Stassi’s injury will effect him.  Might be a pessimistic view, but I just feel like way more things need to go right for us than has gone in past seasons for us to get in.  And based on our luck the last few years, I don’t feel much reason to expect it to change.  Now if we add a top starter at the deadline, it becomes a different story.

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37 minutes ago, mmc said:

I voted no, just really don’t have much  confidence that the current group is anything improved enough to elevate us from the last 5 sub .500 seasons into a playoff team,

Were the Astros a sub-.500 talent team? Or did they underperform? The Angels were projected to be a better team last year than results. How do you know they didn't have the same bad luck/slow start the Astros did? It was a 60 game season. 

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4 minutes ago, Pancake Bear said:

Were the Astros a sub-.500 talent team? Or did they underperform? The Angels were projected to be a better team last year than results. How do you know they didn't have the same bad luck/slow start the Astros did? It was a 60 game season. 

I really don’t understand when people try to use last years record as any indication at the Angels talent level. We had one shitty month and one good month. Who knows what would have happened in a full season.

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56 minutes ago, Bronson said:

I really don’t understand when people try to use last years record as any indication at the Angels talent level. We had one shitty month and one good month. Who knows what would have happened in a full season.

Yep. I'm inclined to believe we were better than our record, but considering we were worse at the end of the season, I don't think you can reasonably argue they were worse than their record. 

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1 hour ago, Pancake Bear said:

Were the Astros a sub-.500 talent team? Or did they underperform? The Angels were projected to be a better team last year than results. How do you know they didn't have the same bad luck/slow start the Astros did? It was a 60 game season. 

There's a reason I didn't put much emphasis on last year's record.  I only looked at individual player performances, and how likely I thought it to be sustainable.

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28 minutes ago, Pancake Bear said:

Yep. I'm inclined to believe we were better than our record, but considering we were worse at the end of the season, I don't think you can reasonably argue they were worse than their record. 

Well to be fair, if I remember correctly, we didn’t even play most of our starters in that final series with the Dodgers. But I get what you’re saying. Still was a 17-12 month. If we would have done that for both months we would have made the playoffs.

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While it's perfectly fine being objective as a fan, it's spring training where hope springs eternal. 

If you're a fan of a baseball team and don't have an ounce of hope that your team is going to have a chance or that they will bring you some sort of entertainment along the way, then what's the point of investing so much time following the club?

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Just now, Chuckster70 said:

While it's perfectly fine being objective as a fan, it's spring training where hope springs eternal. 

If you're a fan of a baseball team and don't have an ounce of hope that your team is going to have a chance or that they will bring you some sort of entertainment along the way, then why even following the club?

Well said.

But also, well said.

Baseball is back. Every team starts with the same record. I'm fuckin ready.

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I think they will be right in the thick of things and have the pieces to make a move at the deadline to get them into the playoffs.  I was hoping we would see a trade before the season starts and quite frankly we still could.  At the same time I think the team has enough to start the season, be in most every ball game and will play well enough to upgrade mid season.  

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I will take being deadline buyers for now. That to me is huge progress over selling the last 3 years.

I also think expanded playoffs has an outside chance to happen, in which case I think they are a better then not chance to get in.  Not sure what the players have to gain by not agreeing universal DH. It’s more jobs and more money. Imagine a guy like Upton is batting .280/.340./.500 at the deadline but playing atrocious OF. How many NL teams would be interested in a guy that can play OF if needed but also makes a great DH? Not the perfect example  (why would we trade him) I know but I don’t get what the players have to lose by swapping DH with playoff expansion. Besides “leverage”. 

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Spring training is the time for optimism. No reason to not start off that way. Last year was a freaky anomaly. Even the Dodgers must realize by now their win won't ever be referenced as a great comparative  accomplishment. Sixty games? " C'mon man!" 

Last year Maddon was just getting oriented to the team and was tinkering and experimenting. Too many games were lost early in ugly ways and there were devastating slumps and injuries. I think in 162 games they at least get to .500 and the wild card race. 

Ohtani can be a difference maker if healthy. Trout should be even better. Rendon had a slow start, but settled in. He should be more comfortable this year. Pujols may have extra motivation to end his career more respectably. Upton can only improve over his dreadful season. Adell also. Right field platoon or rotation should be good enough. Fletcher is still improving, and has a steady position.Iglesias will be ok if he is steady defensively. Suzuki can also be good enough in his role.

Pitching is the big issue. But I think there is more starting  depth, even without new big names. Ohtani can be a major bonus on the mound if healthy. The bullpen may be shaky, but there is a decent mix of youth and experience.  Time will tell. Often unexpected big years come from the least likely.

Anyways. The last five or so years failed to live up to expectations. This may be the year they exceed them.



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4 hours ago, Chuckster70 said:

While it's perfectly fine being objective as a fan, it's spring training where hope springs eternal. 

If you're a fan of a baseball team and don't have an ounce of hope that your team is going to have a chance or that they will bring you some sort of entertainment along the way, then why even following the club?

I hope they make the playoffs—I’m a fan, I just don’t think they will.

Hope’s got nothing to do with the question being asked here

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2 hours ago, failos said:

I hope they make the playoffs—I’m a fan, I just don’t think they will.

Hope’s got nothing to do with the question being asked here

That's fair, but I will add that if you expect something in life and it isn't fulfilled it stings way worse than if the odds are against you and you come out on top, or accomplish so many memorable experiences along the way.

That's what made 2020 so sweet. Why so many of those SF Giants World Championships were so awesome for their fans as well, as they weren't ranked in the top tier of teams in preseason heading into their championships seasons as well.

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my opinion is exactly what 2nd base said. i voted no, because i think it's more likely they miss the post season than make it, but i really don't see them making any noise even if they do make it in. i really would have liked to see management making significant team improvement a priority, but blah blah blah. having said that, who knows? play the games and see what happens.

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15 hours ago, Pancake Bear said:

Yep. I'm inclined to believe we were better than our record, but considering we were worse at the end of the season, I don't think you can reasonably argue they were worse than their record. 

You just summed up the last 3-4 years 🙂

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