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Astros questions


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Do you think the Astros will fare worse this season and, if so, do you think the reason will be the scandal or other factors like age and personnel changes? Do you think the Astros are sincere in all these apologies? It's hard to believe that all participants are "sorry" especially after winning a championship. If the apologies are all for show, are they digging a hole for themselves? Would it have been best to say nothing unless asked?  Lastly, do you think they will get any flak from their own fans or extra love?

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They were playing and discussing clips of the "apologies" on ESPN or fox sports while I was at the gym yesterday and they were anything but sincere.  The players seemed like a bunch of rats who wanted to abandon ship but they can't because they're under contract.  "I knew it was wrong and should have said something..." but they didn't because it's all bullshit and now they're trying to save face.  They're going to be playing under a microscope and deservedly so. I hope they implode under the pressure because any time their offense struggles and every away game they're going to hear about it even more.   They showed some stats from 2017 when they won the WS and their home/away splits in the playoffs and the numbers some guys put up having career years seem to make more sense now.  You expect teams to do better at home but those other teams aren't accused of cheating like this.   

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Were they sincere, not a chance. not even close.  They skirted it till they had to face it then gave a rehearsed script.
From what ive read from thier fans online, none of them care, they got a ring, fuck everyone else.  Im sure some of disappointed but they arent speaking up. 
I expect they will have a lesser year, but they wont suck.  They are still talented guys, its like a whole team of "why the hell did Barry Bonds use steroids when he was already 5 tools great" kind of thing.  That having been said the numbers will probably be off as they get used to not having the crutch and they will get obliterated by the fans.   However, they are still probably a mid 90s win team and the favorites in the west. 

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They will spend the entire season dealing with a lot of negativity.  I’m sure they expect the taunts they will get from fans but the backlash from players on other teams may or may not have been expected.  The season is long enough as it is but playing in that type of environment every day and deservedly being subject to all that negativity will take it’s toll.  The “us against the world” mentality only works if you truly believe you are doing the right thing.  Even Astros players aren’t that delusional...

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They'll do worse this season because:

 - Angels and Rangers are likely better than last season.  A's won 97 games in 2018 and 2019 and has a solid squad coming back.

 - Astros lost one of their aces  in Cole and replaced him a with a guy coming back from TMJ surgery and lost Miley, who put up 116 ERA+ over 167 IP last season who will be replaced with a talented, but unproven Urquidy.  

 - The Astros will have a huge target on their back wherever they travel and fans will not let them forget what they did.  Time will tell if there is a psychological toll in that regard...

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1 hour ago, mulwin444 said:

They'll do worse this season because:

 - Angels and Rangers are likely better than last season.  A's won 97 games in 2018 and 2019 and has a solid squad coming back.

 - Astros lost one of their aces  in Cole and replaced him a with a guy coming back from TMJ surgery and lost Miley, who put up 116 ERA+ over 167 IP last season who will be replaced with a talented, but unproven Urquidy.  

 - The Astros will have a huge target on their back wherever they travel and fans will not let them forget what they did.  Time will tell if there is a psychological toll in that regard...

- They're being watched closely, so no cheating.


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Because the 2017 investigation focused on 2017, they don't know how they were cheating in 2018 and 2019, but rest assured they were.

The last time you did something that worked really well, and achieved what your goal was, did you change your methodology?

They've been cheating for the past three years. The stats clearly show a huge improvement over what was basically a mediocre average team into world beaters.

I saw an article last week that explained how they were cheating on the road! And while that's not as effective, because your relying on the video replay room, instead of your own cameras....they still did it. That's likely why their road stats evened out a bit, but not because they stopped cheating, because they started cheating on the road.

They may not have used the trash can in 2018 or 2019 or on the road...but buzzers, whistles, hand gestures, etc...all could've been used. They just don't have an audible cue to prove.

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The apologies for the most part seem generic, forced, or using the company line saying what the "team" did was wrong.  Not very much remorse or personal responsibility is being shown.  This will not go away anytime soon. The players will be asked about this time and time again during after game interviews, etc.  The ones with attitudes about it will definitely have targets on them.

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Do you think the Astros will fare worse this season?



And, if so, do you think the reason will be the scandal or other factors like age and personnel changes?



Do you think the Astros are sincere in all these apologies?



It's hard to believe that all participants are "sorry" especially after winning a championship. If the apologies are all for show, are they digging a hole for themselves?

Image result for digging yourself in a hole gif


Would it have been best to say nothing unless asked?



  Lastly, do you think they will get any flak from their own fans or extra love?

Image result for fans with bags on their heads

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