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Last Night Was Fun

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45 minutes ago, PattyD22 said:

The Dodgers and their fans rolled into Anaheim with their sea of blue, their fans bravado, and their "LET'S GO DOD-GERS" chant.  It actually had a playoff style environment last night.  The crowd was the biggest I've seen in years and while the Dodger fans were loud, I didn't see any extra curricular stuff in the stands.

When the Dodgers went up 3-0, I honestly felt the game was going to get bad quick, but credit to Canning, who settled down and really pitched his ass off.  When Kole hit that home run, it got substantially more quiet, yet I think the Dodger fans thought they clearly had this game in the bag.  The middle innings, the pitchers settled in and the Dodger fans started their cheers again.  

That's when the magic of the 7th inning happened.  Apparently, Dodger fans aren't exactly thrilled with Dylan Floro.  He's probably the equivalent of Justin Anderson for the Dodgers.  Hard throwing guy, but makes mistakes.  The Dodger fans behind me were already nervous when Trout came to the plate.  When Trout hit that bomb (with 2 strikes on him), the stadium was as loud as it was since 2002 when Speiz hit his HR.  The place went nuts and it was awesome to hear the Dodger fans in their stunned silence.  The only thing that was better, was when Joe Kelly came in.  THAT'S when the REAL Dodger fan bitching started and it was awesome.

To score 2 runs on 0 hits was insane, but to watch the Dodgers simply implode was even better.  And their fans.....holy crap.  You would have thought this was the World Series again.  Cussing, complaining, and heading for the exits.

Of course as Angel fans, nothing is ever easy for us with our bullpen and Ty Buttrey and Hansel Robles sure made things uneasy.  But I give credit where credit is due.  The entire bullpen, including Cam Bedrosian, stepped up and did the job.  It was a great win last night.  Yes, it's only one game, and yes, we're still under .500, but the atmosphere and the environment took me back to the days when that was the normal at Anaheim Stadium.

And it was fun for once.  

I agree

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3 minutes ago, Vladdylonglegs said:

Season changing game?

Let's not start this again.  I'll agree it was a great game, as it always is when the Angels beat the Dodgers and their goofy fans, but we all saw what happened last week when the Angels erased a 7-1 lead against a division foe, then proceeded to shit the bed for the next 3.

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Yep. Great game to be at. Absolutely felt like a playoff game. 

Pretty impressive to beat that team with no ohtani, and simmons/upton out. No those guys, or fletcher, and they scratch out a win. 

And agreed on the parking. I parked down the street, but it took (no joke) about 30 mims to get from Katella and Main to the 57. Ill gladly catch tonights game on the radio.

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24 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

I feel like it's fun any time we beat the Dodgers, but even more so when you're actually there and you see loud mouth Dodger fan go home sad or pissed off. :) 

I wonder how many domestic abuse calls occurred last night.......no joke.

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1 hour ago, PattyD22 said:

It’s probably because Dodger Stadium’s parking lot is just a jam packed traffic circle.  Clockwise around the stadium.  The fans weren’t used to having options on where to go in the parking lot.

ill admit, it was very frustrating 

And one of those Chavez Latrine exits (western one) leads to a two lane road (Scott Road) through a neighborhood.   Total LOL

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@PattyD22 I'm really glad you had a good time. I just couldn't do it - go and tolerate Dodger fans. I used to complain about people like me - who sell their tickets for these games.  Now, I'm one of them.  Dodger fans really suck the enjoyment out of being there some times and I just don't want the aggravation.  I watched the game at home and did some smack texting with a good friend of mine who is a Dodger fan. 

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1 minute ago, True Grich said:

@PattyD22 I'm really glad you had a good time. I just couldn't do it - go and tolerate Dodger fans. I used to complain about people like me - who sell their tickets for these games.  Now, I'm one of them.  Dodger fans really suck the enjoyment out of being there some times and I just don't want the aggravation.  I watched the game at home and did some smack texting with a good friend of mine who is a Dodger fan. 

True Grich, I totally understand it.  I made mention of it in the game day thread last night and yep, it’s tough sitting in a section you’ve been in for years, and all of a sudden you’re surrounded by Big Blue goofballs.

This is not just ordinary to Dodger games. Yankee games and last year, the Cubs series were very similar.  I don’t fault the ticket holders.  It’s just not my style.  

But I WILL say my wife was over the Dodger fans by the 3rd inning though.

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Around 1997-98, there was a dude in RF that used come decked out in Angels gear and throw out candy whenever the Angels hit a home run... or scored.   Yankees came to town.  He was wearing Yankees gear doing the same things when the Yankees scored.  Too bad it was before social media.  I'm not into social media shaming, but he deserved a bit. 

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this was the first Dodger / Angel game I have gone to in years. I sworn them off like others here. I decided to go, with all people a Dodger fan. he picked up tickets paid through the nose and invited me to come along. It was a great crowd, nothing like the past. even when I rousted dodger fans, they would laugh right with me and give me a high five. not to long ago, that would have never happened. fights, swearing and spitting on each other was the norm.

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21 minutes ago, ScottT said:

Around 1997-98, there was a dude in RF that used come decked out in Angels gear and throw out candy whenever the Angels hit a home run... or scored.   Yankees came to town.  He was wearing Yankees gear doing the same things when the Yankees scored.  Too bad it was before social media.  I'm not into social media shaming, but he deserved a bit. 

I have a vague memory of this guy. Even as a 10-year-old, I knew he was a tool. I'm pretty sure he did his thing into the early 2000s.

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3 hours ago, PattyD22 said:

Let's not start this again.  I'll agree it was a great game, as it always is when the Angels beat the Dodgers and their goofy fans, but we all saw what happened last week when the Angels erased a 7-1 lead against a division foe, then proceeded to shit the bed for the next 3.

You cant have seadon changing games when 60% of your starters are automatic losses.  Looking back at it, the Angeks are lucky even to be close to 500.

Good news is that Stratton is gone, Harvey probably gone and hopefully Cahill is gone or to the pen.  Canning is solid, Heaney might be solid, Pena ok so far Suarez has looked solid.  Hopefully Skaggs gives us the early 2018 version and we may end up with a winning season.

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When you aren't contending in any sport you have to enjoy each game just by itself, without regard to standings. The fun of the contest, the strategy, the display of skills. I call it 'per game realism.' 

Last night was one of those games you can savour for a long time just as an isolated event. Clutch homeruns, gutsy pitching, some nice defense, patience at the plate, and some comedy on the base paths. And being a rivalry game with hostile invading fans makes it sweeter.

One thing I didn't like was Albert getting picked off. Seems he was distracted by joking around with Hernandez and lost his concentration. 

I've gone to one game at Chavez Ravine. Last season against Houston, just to fill in a gap in my visits to different historical stadiums. The parking was a nightmare! No visibility in the parking lot, insane navigation at a crawl. One and done. 

Much easier in the big 'A' though I got a bad sunburn after a day game walking about fifteen minutes to a side street where I parked. 

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5 hours ago, Lhalo said:

It took foreverrrrrrrrrr to get in the parking lot yesterday. Maybe we've been wrong and Chavez Latrine hasn't had a bad parking situation all along but it's just the retarded Doyyer fans who don't know how to drive to and from a stadium.

Or maybe...



Gotta use that parking lot across the train station by the Hooters my man.

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