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AngelsWin.com Today: MLBN's Jim Thome Breaks Down Ohtani's Home Run Live

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Hall of Famer and MLB Network analyst Jim Thome broke down Shohei Ohtani’s swing last night during a MLB Tonight live look-in of his eighth inning home run. Ohtani’s blast proved to be the game winner in last night’s 3-2 Angels victory against the Texas Rangers.

In the clip (below), Thome said, “Ohtani’s kind of got his hands up, watch the front foot get down quick, so there is a little bit of pause there. When you pause and you get your front foot down quick you become an arm and hands hitter. If you get the front foot down and there’s pause one, pause two then you become an arm and hands hitter, it’s a two part [swing]. But, if the front foot hits and then boom, pause and you swing, then that’s where you gain most of your power because it’s a fluid [motion].”


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I was in the second row next to diamond club on the visitors side. It is hardly describable the amount of very small movements that go on in Othani's body before that swing. Particularly in the calves and thighs as he prepared to swing. Just a ripple of muscle movement then the right foot moves into place and it all became one singular movement. 

That ball hit the top of the wall and could have been either caught on the fly or off the bounce but the Rangers left fielder wasn't up to the task. 

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