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The twenty-first amendment

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What I find interesting is that the guns for everyone crowd is not even willing to have a discussion about if there are ways to improve our guns laws while maintaining 2nd amendment rights, they simply put their hands over their ears and start yelling "i can't hear you, i can't hear you, i can't hear you". Instead you get crap like this. Oh, look, shiny object.


They won't even let dollars go to researching gun policy and public health.




His namesake amendment eliminated the $2.6 million that the Center for Disease Control spent on researching the effects of firearms ownership on public health. Passed by a Republican-dominated Congress, the NRA-backed amendment explicitly stated that, “None of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control.” (note to Geoff...yes, I realize this was passed in 1996 was Bill Clinton...he was wrong.) Over the last two decades, conservatives have relied on the Dickey amendment to make the case that gun violence is not a public health issue. As the Huffington Post reported, congressional Republicans extended the Dickey amendment to apply to the National Institutes of Health in 2011, and in the wake of the Charleston church shooting this summer, House Speaker John Boehner defended the lack of governmental research by saying “a gun is not a disease.”

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Speaking of 21st amendment, this gem was in my news feed this morning.


This Vegas patriot exercisin' his twenty-first amendment right:




The only way to stop a bad drunk driver is with a good drunk driver.


Booze and keys for everybody.

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