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Landing Tulowitzki if Dipoto was Still GM?


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Oh man, these trades are pedestrian, and utterly depressing relative to our AL rivals' recent mega-trades. This team is neutered without Jerry. Dipoto was a forward thinking GM who transformed the Angels into something remarkable. In a few short years, he re-built the starting rotation from scratch and stocked it with young, cost controlled pitchers effectively transforming the team into a ~top 5 rotation. This is despite the blunder with Blanton, Hanson, Greinke, Haren, etc...it's really incredible. He did the same thing with the offense relative to the cards he was handed (wells, hamilton, and other bottlenecking team killers). At the deadline, he wasn't opposed to trading bundles of Rondons for a jewel, and he'd take on a rental because he wanted to win NOW.


Stoneman and the Wizard of Oz-esque front office made inconsequential trades for washed up veterans or insignificant players while other teams landed guys like Tulo, Cueto, etc... Sure, it's bitching to get something for Josh Rutledge and the other peanuts in the Angels Vault, but these trades represent a major step back after Dipoto's maverick wheeling and dealing during the trade deadline. 


This leads me to my point (finally)....I can't help but wonder what Jerry could have done this trade deadline. I am certain that his relationship with the Rockies could netted us Troy Tulowitzki. Dipoto would have made it happen even though we lack the pieces to land a guy like that. The Angels were always part of trade discussions for big players because Dipoto was aggressive and he did everything he could to try and land the right pieces even when he clearly lacked them (like when he traded Trumbo for gold). 


thanks for reading my failo flavored rant.

Edited by failos
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Other teams have bigger holes to fill. Do we really need to trade for an oft-injured 30 something signed into the next decade? Our staff doesn't need Cueto and our lineup doesn't need Tulo at the going prices. We'll still win the division and compete for best record.

Yeah, why would anyone ever want Troy Tulowitzki. Why would anyone ever want him. we have David Freese and Joyce and a bunch of other streaky hitters. Screw the WS I'm content with another useless division title. Great mentality, man. 

Edited by failos
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Not sure id want tulo. Hes a badass, but the power decline is interesting. Add to the fact his onjury history and contract, i think hed be another pujols. I dont mean that to dog pujols, just that its a bad contract for an aging player.

Tulo would have been nice at 3rd for example (though doubt he would want to play there). And if he didnt have the injury history id probably be more jealous of toronto. Ive heard rumors before he wanted to play here too, so it would have been kind of cool. But if we were to raid the farm and take on a ton of money, id prefer it to be someone without as many questions (ironically enough like st louis pujols)

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Yeah, why would anyone ever want Troy Tulowitzki. Why would anyone ever want him. we have David Freese and Joyce and a bunch of other streaky hitters. Screw the WS I'm content with another useless division title. Great mentality, man.

Hes not saying that. Hes saying SS isnt our problem. True, tulo would be a vast improvement over aybar. But this isnt basketball where one player is in every play on both sides of the ball. The leap from aybar to tulo wouldnt mask our LF problem, our 7th inning question, weak bench, or catcher. But getting a guy like tulo (which would cost most of our trade chips and a ton of money) would handcuff us from trying to fix those holes.

Look at it another way. The royals just got cueto, and thats a big move and its a big showy signing. But other than him, theyve fielded a team of not well known guys who are solid as hell at just about every position. Kind of like what st louis does, and the giants, and how we were in 2002.

Im with you in that i wanted a big bat signing, but we dont have anywhere near the trade chips of some of these other teams.

Edited by ten ocho recon scout
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Yeah, why would anyone ever want Troy Tulowitzki. Why would anyone ever want him. we have David Freese and Joyce and a bunch of other streaky hitters. Screw the WS I'm content with another useless division title. Great mentality, man.

Who said I was content with the division title? It's what you have to do to get to the World Series. I'm one of those backwards people who likes to put his socks on before attempting to tie his shoes. Tulo may fill one hole but the price would be to create 2 more holes. And in case you haven't noticed, 112 teams have won a World Series without Troy Tulowitzki.
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I guess we will never know. Dipoto quit on the team in the middle of the season.

Yep. Screw him, I'm still very bitter hence the irrational ranting
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Of his 9 seasons with the Rockies, tulowitzki had only three that would be considered complete. You don't get to choose which 30-60-90 days he will miss but it is a pretty good bet he will be out that long. He has only missed 11 so far this year.

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Seriously thank god they didn't trade for Tulo. The blue jays messed up so bad with that trade. It's just karma for the Vernon Wells trade, especially the whole flipping Mike Napoli to Texas thing. An aging, overpaid, ex superstar, often injured and moving to turf. Good luck with that. Did anyone see that the Rockies are paying 6 dollars of the remaining contract? Not 6 million , 6 dollars lol someone didn't read through the trade details closely enough in the Blue Jays FO.

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" Dipoto was a forward thinking GM who transformed the Angels into something remarkable. "

We were 41-37 and 4 games back of Houston when he quit

Not sure I would consider that remarkable

That is irrelevant when critiquing a GM. Jerry assembled the roster. I'm not denying that the team struggled from the distractions Dipoto caused, but I fail to see your point.
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This is one of the most asinine speculations I have ever read. First Jerry brought us Hamilton. He wasn't stuck with him.

Second Jerry was on record that although they were looking for a big bat they were not going to trade Heaney or Newcomb. One of those would have to be included for Tulo. Didn't the Jays give up their #2 and #3 prospects?

Third we were cost control pieces and not big contracts. There are financial limitations with the Angels.

Finally to suggest that the Rockies would have given Jerry a better deal just because of his "relationship" is laughable.

Oh man, these trades are pedestrian, and utterly depressing relative to our AL rivals' recent mega-trades. This team is neutered without Jerry. Dipoto was a forward thinking GM who transformed the Angels into something remarkable. In a few short years, he re-built the starting rotation from scratch and stocked it with young, cost controlled pitchers effectively transforming the team into a ~top 5 rotation. This is despite the blunder with Blanton, Hanson, Greinke, Haren, etc...it's really incredible. He did the same thing with the offense relative to the cards he was handed (wells, hamilton, and other bottlenecking team killers). At the deadline, he wasn't opposed to trading bundles of Rondons for a jewel, and he'd take on a rental because he wanted to win NOW.

Stoneman and the Wizard of Oz-esque front office made inconsequential trades for washed up veterans or insignificant players while other teams landed guys like Tulo, Cueto, etc... Sure, it's bitching to get something for Josh Rutledge and the other peanuts in the Angels Vault, but these trades represent a major step back after Dipoto's maverick wheeling and dealing during the trade deadline.

This leads me to my point (finally)....I can't help but wonder what Jerry could have done this trade deadline. I am certain that his relationship with the Rockies could netted us Troy Tulowitzki. Dipoto would have made it happen even though we lack the pieces to land a guy like that. The Angels were always part of trade discussions for big players because Dipoto was aggressive and he did everything he could to try and land the right pieces even when he clearly lacked them (like when he traded Trumbo for gold).

thanks for reading my failo flavored rant.

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