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The Play That Lost The World Series


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That is the total mystery.   It's like Yost was relying on Aoki's solid year vs. lefties, without understanding that the guy on the mound is anything BUT ordinary.  

Granted, Aoki did make solid contact only to have Perez already shaded waaaay over towards the LF line.

Edited by Angel Oracle
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Aren't you the dude that said the Royals would lose because they went to a college basketball game?


Wouldn't that make this thread pointless since you thought they were going to lose before this point in the game?


You know exactly who I am. You got trolled by that thread and you're making yourself look even sillier here with your flatline joke of what you think is logic.

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Let me guess...


Your hindsight is 20/20?


You need to take comedy classes with the rest of the amateurs. Creativity classes might help with that hacky "inventive" post. So anyone who thinks the bunt was a poor decision must have this hindsight power, huh? Some fans are just more advanced than you. Just like there are others who are more advanced than I am.

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Giving up an out with zero outs and runner on 1st, AND a 2-0 count on the batter, is stupid!


Sure enough, getting an out may have gotten Bumgarner settled in.

Yes, he was dominant after that.   But what if he walked Escobar and put runners on 1st and 2nd with no outs?


Yeap, put the screws to him and make him beat you. His velocity and control were slow out of the gate.

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The stupidity of that play comes from letting Aoki hit. He wouldn't have been in the lineup if Bumgarner had started so why let him hit in that situation? If you want to take 2 shots at scoring the run then at least use hitters who aren't helpless against the pitcher.


What? He might have had the best at bat.


Perez might have been shading him 30-50 feet towards the line..if not..that might be a triple.

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